King, Stephen Easter Egg - Owen S. King & GI Joe: A Real American Hero

Back in the '80's, Hasbro came up with a line of 3 3/4" action figures called "GI Joe: A Real American Hero". One of the figures was called "Sneak Peek" and had the name Owen S. King, from Bangor, Maine. Owen King, as most fan's of the author know, is the son of Stephen King. Legend has it that Hasbro named Sneak Peek after Owen, who at the time was a huge G.I.Joe fan. It is also rumoured that Stephen King created the character Crystal Ball for "GI Joe: A Real American Hero".

For a "Sneak Peek" at the file card and further info on the figures/characters, you can go to

Jeffrey Griffin

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  7.0/10 with 126 votes
Contributed By: Griffworks on 12-26-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A little knowledge of Mr. King's family and YoJoe.Com
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Dark Heart writes:
At the end of The Tommyknockers, Hilly Brown says, "We got to trade G.I. Joes tomorrow." To which David Brown replies, "As long as I get Crystal Ball." Hmmm.....
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Dark Heart writes:
Also, both Crystal Ball and Sneak Peek were released in 1987 :)
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Blue writes:
This is a TRUE Easter egg.
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