Pipe Dream Easter Egg - Throat Dream

1.) Go START/RUN and type in "c:\windows\entpack.ini" (change windows to your Windows directory).

2.) Find the entry for Pipe Dream and where it says "winpipe=0" Change it to "winpipe=1".

3.) Save the file and close it. Load up Pipe Dream and look on the left above the piece bar. Where there was once a pipe and spanner.

Now that's the real Win(d)pipe!

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 63 votes
Contributed By: Michael Smith on 09-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Pipe Dream & Windows Best of Entertainment Pack
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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ToddRMe writes:
Right click on the pipe dream icon and choose properties. Click "change Icon". Look at what the second choice for icons is.
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Way too complicated for such a small outcome.
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MissingNO writes:
The throat in the upper left corner (not the one on the title bar) indicates how much time is left before the slime starts flowing. If you press the fast forward button, it will not coincide with the game anymore until you start a new game or advance top the next level.
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I don't know weather to call this an egg or a cheat but open up Word Pad under the accessories menu then go to the desktop and open up My Computer and find the folder where the actual game Pipe Dream is. once you've found the folder drag the game into word pad then click on the "find" button (the binoculars) and type in "password". you may have to click on find next one or two times. but what you will find is all the passwords for all the levels in the game. I thought this was pretty cool
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