Happy Gilmore Easter Egg - Bill Murray Cameo As the Caddy

Hi, At first I thought my eyes were going but after stopping on the frames in the DVD It appears to me that at during the final match the homeless caddy of Happy's is shown in a close-up eating something. A close look reveals this not to be the actor playing the role but Bill Murray made up to look like the caddy. It is a good job and you have to look close but it is him. I suppose this is a homage to Caddyshack.

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Contributed By: Jim on 12-13-2000
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Grady X writes:
WRONG! it is not Bill Murray at all! it is Allen Covert! see in all of Adam Sandler's movies like in The Wedding Singer he was Sammy The Limo Driver. In Deuce Bigalow he was the Restaurant Manager and if ya'll don't believe me go to WWW.IMDB.COM and search for "Allen Covert" and see for yourself!
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Jim writes:
My previous post is CORRECT. The actor the previous poster mentions plays the caddy for the whole movie. he is in the credits as Otto because of the line he says at the end. Per SAG rules only speaking parts are entitled to a credit. The scene I am talking about clearly shows another actor eating the sandwich and is highlighted so you see it is someone else (Bill Murray)
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ajspringer writes:
that's not Bill Murray. I've got the DVD and looked at it a whole bunch of times, and that's not him.
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JOJO writes:
I agree with Jim because i have looked for a very long time and it is! by the way Sandler said it him self!
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Drumak writes:
Sandler said it himself?? Did he phone you up and say that? can we see some proof that he said it (online interviews). Im not saying youre a liar. but to say "sandler said it himself" is a pretty weak arguement.
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Zarel writes:
Adam Sandler was in Deuce Bigalow??????
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Lisa writes:
I can't remember the name of the movie, but I've heard that in one of his movies, Adam Sandler wears a shirt where it says "Kyle". Kyle (McDonough) is a friend of him, who plays hockey in Norway, for a team called Frisk Tigers.
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EdwardNigma writes:
There is no way that is Bill Murray, it's definitely Allen Covert. And I agree that saying Sandler said that is a weak argument.
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Ciara writes:
Hey, Allen was the actor of Otto, and I read in an interview of Bill Murray that he'd "rather ride through L.A. with my windows down that watch The Waterboy" so Idoubt that was him in the movie.
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SykoPhreak writes:
I thought the caddy was Jon Stewart. the dude looks nothing like Bill Murray in my opinion. And the fact that Adam gives small roles to his friends in his movies.....
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Missy writes:
The caddy was definitely Allen Covert, not Bill Murray.
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steves850 writes:
With the help of imdb.com i can put this to rest it is Allen Covert Adam Sandler .... Happy Gilmore Christopher McDonald .... Shooter McGavin Julie Bowen .... Virginia Venit Frances Bay .... Grandma Gilmore Carl Weathers .... Chubbs Peterson Allen Covert .... Otto p.s. this is not an eegg because it obvious says this but the film partially takes place in my home state of CT (Waterbury) and his upcoming film "Mr Deeds" was partially filmed in my home state to
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Courtney writes:
Adam and Allan must be really, really good friends. All the movies Adam does, Allen has a role in. Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, Airheads, I think Mr. Deeds, I'm not sure about The Waterboy, though...
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Druce writes:
Our friend, Jim is not saying that Bill Murray plays the Caddy, but that he is made up to look like him in only one scene. Allen Covert does him the rest of the time. And I can not confirm nor deny this egg, as it has been a long time since I have seen this movie. I just wanted to clear up what so many of you seem to be mistaking.
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JOJO writes:
Sorry but when i said "Sandler said it himself" was phrased wrong. Here is my correction: I have seen an interview involving Mr. Sandler where he is asked about the cameo and he says Mr. Murray does appear. Sorry but i couldn't find the online version of the interview.
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Hope writes:
Jared Van Snellenberg plays the Waterbury caddy (Otto) in this movie. However, Allen Covert does step into the role as the caddy in the last shot.
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DustyB58 writes:
Well after seeing a scene in the movie I was searching around... I know that when the caddy is telling Happy the green slants left, when I saw a close-up of him I knew he was the guy from Mr. Deeds. That must be Covert filling in for Jared Van Snellenberg... but I thought the kid with the yellow hair was the Waterbury caddy?
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Nathan writes:
Oh my god, you can't be serious, Jared Van Snellenberg was 16 when this movie was made, he was the blonde little caddy who Happy kicked the sh*t out of, not the 32yo with the beard (Allen Covert) who played Happy's homeless caddy for the whole movie, except possibly for the scene in question. As for the scene in question: if your talking about when he is eating the biscuit that was being used as a golf ball marker on the final whole that the caddy eats - I am quite certain that this is Allen Covert. But maybe you are referring to another scene.
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