Summoner(PS2) Easter Egg - D&D

When you complete Summoner and the Credits roll, simply press the "X" button. A movie showing the characters playing Dungeons and Dragons (the old-school paper and pencil role-playing game) will play. It is very funny.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 110 votes
Contributed By: Hardkore on 11-27-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Luke628 writes:
You don't need to complete the game. I have it, and I've done the EEGG fine and I haven't completed the game yet.
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jboschee writes:
You see this at any time even if you haven't finished by selecting credits from the main menu. Its a great skit by the Dead Alewives.
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Hardkore writes:
Yeah, I forgot about the credits on the main menu....D'OH! Ah, well, it's still a very funny skit.
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Blackjackel6 writes:
I actually downloaded this little skit as a comedy preview for the game. The futuristic police officer is from the soon to be released "Red Faction" for the ps2. "I wanna cast....magic missile"
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Yes, The Dedale Wives did it. I have this and the sequal to it (the Funoins are stuck in the machine) and I have seen many people complaining that people steal it from The Summoner. Its a skit, its been avaible on the net for awhile. But I like this version alot :)but there are many more out there.
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