Grand Theft Auto 2 Easter Egg - Get Seven of the Coolest Cars in the Game! (Tank, Fire-Shooting Fire Truck, Etc.)

On commercial district (that's the 2nd level of the game) there are three or four blue sport cars with a number on them. They do not go around town; they're just parked there.
What you need to do is find two of these cars. I'm not sure how to get to all three or four of them, but the two easiest I know are (don’t worry, you only need two of those cars anyway):

1) In the SRS (Scientist's) part of the level, there's alot of boxes, right? Right. Find a place with 7 of them, and they're a little apart from each other. Get on the first one using the stairs, and jump from one box to another until you get to more stairs. Go up those stairs and find the car.
2) In the Redneck village, you know where the red phones are? The one that give you the hardest missions? Well, go up there with a fast car. Go right, cross the bridge, and you'll see a wooden ramp. Gain some speed and jump that ramp. You'll find yourself on a small piece of land with nothing but the sports car on it. Get inside the car.

Once you'll get into the first car, you'll get magically teleported to "Wang's Used Cars". There will be nothing there. Now, go find the 2nd car!
Once you get into the second car, you'll get teleported to "Wang's Used Cars" once again, but this time, there will be seven (7) of the coolest cars in the game waiting for you!
4 sport cars, 1 army car, 1 FBI car (with a machine gun in it), one Fire Truck which shoots FIRE instead of WATER, and of course, the almighty TANK! (Note: Unlike the "Kill Frenzy" tank, once you get out of this tank you can actually go back in!)
And to prove all of this, see this screenshot:

Now, pick your car and do what any normal person would do... GO ON A KILLING SPREE!!!

Love, BR.

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  7.1/10 with 287 votes
Contributed By: BR on 11-24-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Nothing but a fast car!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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BR writes:
Errr... Actually, that sometimes also works with only one car... And I got my email wrong on that thing, it's [email protected], not .NET...
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Mr.X writes:
in multi-player all cars are there the military base is open and there are 4 tanks (in multi-player)
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Mooseonline writes:
there are eight cars in total. the first time i tried i jumped in only 2, but now i cant get them again. PS there is one down near the prison at the bottom of the map
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Hornet888 writes:
I know all the car spots 1- In the SRS area near the cop station (jump the crates) 2- In the top left, near Redneck red phones.Take a fast caar and jump the ramp right of the phones. 3- Down the left side. Near a plaza area, jump a ramp. 4- Bottom highway, take the underground tunnel and bash the bottom wall till you find the hidden passage 5- Go to the top roof of the SRS shopping center. Follow the walkways up there. 6- the ramp that acesses the top ramp over the Redneck area. Drive up the ramp there and over the road. 7- Follow the same road as in 6, there is a small passage through a seemingly solid block on the side of the bridge. go through there. 8- Near Wang's cars. Look for a tall octagonal building. Find the raised bit of road and find the tunnel that goes through to the last car!
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ImaParanoid writes:
Tanks you can get back into are nothing special... you can steal them from the military if you manage to survive long enough...
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BR writes:
BUT! There is NO military in the second level!
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BR writes:
Well, not unless you do the "TANKS GIVING" mission, anyway...
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Mattoid writes:
I am running the PC version so I don't know about the playstation etc. Wangs Cars (where your are teleported to) has eight garage doors. After you enter the magic car, you will appear infront of one of these doors and the number will appear on the door. When ALL the cars are entered and all the numbers are displayed THEN you get the wang car bonus.
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Johny writes:
If you find a Wang car, save your game after entering it. When you load the game afterwards, the Wang car is back! Then enter it again and you get the "Wang car bonus".
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Hornet888 writes:
As a correction to my directions, directions for cars 6 & 7 should be swapped. example. directions for 6, will lead you to 7. and vice versa.
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Adam writes:
It doesn't work in the Playstation version. When I follow the instructions all I find are GTa2 symbols.
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TheThief writes:
AN Easier way to get a tank in Area two, (residential I think) in the RV park,go to the bottom corner below the green phones. There is a tank. When you get in you will get kill frenzy. If you complete it successfully, you will get to keep the tank. In the kill frenzy fire at the cop cars as the cops are getting out and you will win easily. Just a thought... and remember, respect is everything! lol
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playa8624 writes:
This is also, although not at the time, like a certain car show room in GTA: San Andreas. The one in San Fierro where you take it over. Its the same garage, the name is "Wang Cars Showroom". This also means, if you sound it out, "Wankers Show room". This means masturbating show room. MAN! GTA is filled with Easter Eggs.
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