Wheel of Time Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

Once you open up a game or start one you hit the tilde key (the one next to #1). A screen rolls down and you can type these and then hit enter. Play continues so don't do this during a battle.

GOD............This makes you invincible
ALLAMMO........This gives you all of the ter'angreal with unlimited charges
GHOST..........You can walk through walls and hills
FLY............You can fly almost anywhere
WALK...........Reverses fly
INVISIBLE 1....Makes you invisible
INVISIBLE 0....Turns off invisibility
BEHINDVIEW 1...3rd person perspective
BEHINDVIEW 0...Normal view
PLAYERSONLY....Everything stops except characters
AMPHIBIOUS.....You can breathe underwater
KILLPAWNS......Kill all of the monsters
KILLALL *......Type in what type of monster to kill
SUMMON *.......Call up that creature
SWITCHCOOPLEVEL *.....First find out in Windows Explorer what the map is called and then type that in and it will load that map
SWITCHLEVEL *.........The difference is that it doesn't take all of your weapons with you
SLOMO *........Use 0.0 to 1.0 and change speed
SAY *..........In multi-player mode it sends messages to others

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: Ari on 11-24-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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227166 writes:
You can also use tab instead of the tilde (~) just remember to hit tab after you have entered your cheat Also if you use ghost, you can type walk to change back to normal
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