Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Cast Cameos

In the beginning of the movie, during the wedding scene, nearly every major cast member appears as a guest. (Example: Riff-Raff is the old guy with the pitchfork, and Magenta is the woman next to him... there are many more)

This was also done in the Wizard of Oz :)

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-01-1999
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Sesana writes:
Tim Curry (Frank) is the clergyman, and the blonde woman who shows up later in the church is Little Nell (Columbia). Most of the other guests are probably Transylvanians.
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Ductonius writes:
although this may have been done for budget reasons it does have plot signifigance. Frank sent Riff and Magenta to makesure that Brad and Janet would end up at his castle (do castles have phones?). It's hinted at when Frank sings "You got caught with a flat / well, how 'bout that?".
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witchbelle writes:
The majority of the people at the wedding are transylvanians. Its all part of the whole experience of RHPS.
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Tarquin writes:
What seen in wizard of oz. if you refer to the fact that her family and friends in Kansas were also characters in oz, then that is the whole point of the film i think. the fact that she was dreaming the whole thing and faces she new from home were remembered in the dream. Well, thats what i think. Any comments?
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bushlander writes:
The dual roles may have been inspired by the Wizard of Oz (a black-and-white beginning was planned for RHPS once, just like Oz), but the logic doesn't apply. There's no reality/dream distinction. The criminologist has Frank/Minister's face circled in his scrapbook, suggesting that they really are the same person and that the Transylvanians had infiltrated Denton.
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Guster writes:
Actually, it is not Tim Curry's face that is circled in the Criminologist's book... it is Richard O'Brien, or Riff Raff's face. Notice that he and Magenta are dressed as the farmer and wife from "American Gothic."
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TR_Wolf writes:
Another cast cameo thing but in another way. As you may know, Barry Bostwick (Brad), also plays the Mayor in Spin City. In one episode (I have no idea which) there is a woman who has a main role in the episode, she carried a white purse and wears a pink cardigan and white hat (sound familiar?)... but her name is JEANETTE! I think she was the Mayor's niece. At one point he declared "Damnit, Jeanette!" (and promptly got applause from the audience) :P
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lakeside writes:
Another little cameo appearence : Richard O'Briens (wrote the musical and played riff raff)'s wife appears in the wedding sequence at the beginning. She is the one wearing the lilac dress and has black hair in pigtails Another little interesting point, in the original musical whoever plays Magenta also plays a character called the Usherrette. This character sings to the audience at the beginning (science fiction: double feature). When the musical was filmed, the song was kept in but they couldnt have an usherette for obvious reasons! Hencely, richard o'brian (riff raff) sang the song, and the lady who played magenta mimed to his singing and those are her lips you see at the beginning! (ps, excuse spellings!)
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fauna writes:
uhh...the whole point in the WIzard of Oz was to prove that sometimes you can be blinded to what is wonderful about your life by the prospect of leading a different life
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LimpNJen writes:
Again I don't think this should be called an egg, if you pay attn to the movie you can spot this the first time you see it(I did). But it does make you think, were they there because of budget of makeing the film or were they there to make it LOOK that way and hidden behind it is an even bigger plot.
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goat writes:
This was also done in the original stage version of the musical. In fact, Meatloaf played Eddie and the doctor.
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dedliv writes:
I think that the song near the end of the movie, "Don't Dream it" opens the door for us to wonder if this "very strange journey" wasn't all just a dream. Having Frank, Magenta, Columbia and Rif Raf as well as several transylvanians at the ceremony could have been for budget reasons, but also could have been intentional to give us the impression that Brad and Janet had just had a stressful day and were dreaming about the people they saw there. There are bad parties... that then there are parties that end with the hired help killing the host and blasting the house off to transylvania. Sounds like a bad dream to me!
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Meira writes:
Well, I didn't think Magenta and Riff-Raff in that scene was an egg. Cos the guy with the scrapbook actually points at Riff-Raff in the old picture.
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