Praise You (Fat Boy Slim) Easter Egg - Fat Boy Makes an Appearance

During the Praise You video, where there are the group of dancers in a mall (or somewhere like that) Fat Boy Slim (aka Norman Cook) can be seen in the background watching.

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-31-1999
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HotPants writes:
Actually, it's right near the end where the leader dude is explaining how he used to groove with the B-Boy posse's and stuff... He walks by and glances...
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The really dorky lead dancer looks just like Spike Jonez, the guy who directed the video. It has to be him, or his twin brother.
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HotPants writes:
Yep - that's Spike Jonze, who is also the star (well, one of em'...) of Three Kings.
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jimbob writes:
I think he appears in all of his videos. I don't know about every one, but he is definitely in the video for 'Right Here, Right Now'. The fat guy from the front off the album cover buys a pie from him near the end of the video.
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ToiletBowl writes:
You guys are right: the slim fat boy appears in all of his vidz (just like Alfred Hitchcock).
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gogul writes:
He's not in the 303 pop videos at all (I have both of them, and the only person in it except for his friend The Perv is whoever's applying the lipstick to his face). He's the DJ with the cowboy hat in the Rockafeller Skank though.
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@PM writes:
(Answer to Jimbob's comment) In Right Here, Right Now it isn't Cook who's selling the pies, it's actually a photograph of him. The guy who buys a pie (on that moment he's still tall and slim) is Cook.
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Stu writes:
Actually, I think the bloke who buys a pie is actually the video's producer, director or costume designer. Someone like that, anyway.
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D_man writes:
Fatboy himself appears in all his videos in one form or another in bird of prey the flashes of images after when that man drinks the water,demons he is in photo, rockafella skank he is the dj,can't remember gangsta trippin'. but the only exception so far is praise you. the video was done without him knowing(spike jonez liked the song so much he did video and sent it to fatboy). Norman gave permission and it was used. just wanted to clear it up. Dan
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Actually fat boy slim can be seen in the video for praise you earlier on. When the guy turns off the stereo, and spike jumps on him, to the right of the two, standing just forward of the crowd, Cook can be seen laughing at the incident. In Gansta tripping, there is a photo of him on the dresser that gets blown up after the woman walks away from it.
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Pumpkingrrl writes:
Christopher Walken dances past Fatboy's portrait in "Weapon of Choice".
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It is not a given that Norman Cook would appear in all the Fatboy Slim videos. Oftentimes, an artist (especially a deejay) will not appear in his or her own video. The fact that Norman's appearances are rather clandestine, and that you have to keep your eyes somewhat peeled to see him, makes it special.
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Delilah writes:
I don't think it is Spike Jonez as the dorky lead dancer - I think it's actually a dorky leader of an American dance troop. Unless Spike does that too. But I'm not sure because the dance troop accepted an award for best video on Norman's behalf, although if the lead dancer was also the director that would make an unusual amount of sense. I think I should stop writing now...
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Jorobot writes:
Spike Jonze is the leader of the dance troupe in this video. And it is spelled JONZE! not Jonez! I do not remember Fatboy slim being in the video for Gangsta trippin. If I recall, that was just various objects being blown up
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punx writes:
I heard on tv that what happened was fat boy slim asked spike jones to direct a video but spike couldn't so spike sent fat boy slim a video of a bunch of people dancing in a mall and fat boy slim decided to use it as a video. now, i dont know if this is true, im not a huge fat boy slim or spike jones fan, and ive probably offended someone...i knew coming here was a bad idea...i should have listened to the lizard people...
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Ro@cH writes:
To Jorobot: In the Gangsta Trippin' movie when the theater mirror is blown up,you can see a picture of Norman Cook pinned on the side.It's stuck under the edge of the mirror.It's kinda small but if you pay attention you can see it.Yes,he does appear in every single video clip of his songs.
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AREA74 writes:
Couple of points: Fatboy slim does not appear in all his videos (Going out of my head, everyone needs a 303 - both from Better living through Chemistry, ie prior to You've come a long...). He does not appear in Praise you, he was unaware of the video shoot until Spike Jonze presented it to him. Yes, it is Spike Jonze who is plays the moronic dancer (he obviously is not like this in real life - its all PR and tongue in cheek stuff). Any finally, for anyone who care, Norman Cook has also been an (unnamed) member of Beats Internationl, Pizzaman and (named) the Housemartins.
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doughnut writes:
Well if fatboy is in every video, where is he in the video for ya mamma?
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punx writes:
Just because its a Fat Boy Slim video doesn't mean Fat Boy Slim has to be in the video. A lot of artists make music videos without appearing in the video. The whole be heard and not seen thing...I don't know...ask Tool...they've got it down pat.
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MissNorbert writes:
FatBoySlim aka Norman Cook DOES appear in Praise you! When spike Jonze is making the thank you speech(beat boy moves etc) at the end he looks into the camera for a few seconds and then walks away! I always watch the fatboyslim videos really closely to see where he is, and in that piano video he did with erm sexual revolution missus erm Macy Gray, he's a picture on a wall, just before the woman falls into the piano. So far I have seen him in every video shown on tv. And got quite annoyed when a Dutch music tv presenter(TMF) said that Fatboyslim NEVER appears in his videos. Get your facts right!
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greenbeen55 writes:
I saw FatBoy Slim at the end of PRAISE YOU video where the lead dancer (Spike Jonez?!) is giving his testimonial to the camera, Slim walks past in the background, pulls a face and walks away.
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kevinj writes:
As FS is definetely in Praise you he had to know about it. And where is he in Bird of Prey?
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It is Spike Jones.
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All right. Just so you know, Fatboy Slim knew about the video. All of the dancers and bystanders are actors. The dance group doesn't really exist. And it is spelled Spike Jonze. And it was made to look like a low budget thing, like Arrested Development.
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Here is a place that explains everything about the "Praise You" song and video:
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