Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Easter Eggs!

The movie crew had an actual Easter Egg hunt one day on the set, and three eggs can be seen in the film:

One under Frank's throne, one instead of a light in the main room, and one as the group goes up in the elevator to the lab.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 182 votes
Contributed By: Goat on 08-30-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A good eye..... slow motion, maybe
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Huga writes:
I can;t find any of these eggs. Although there is what appears to be an egg hanging from the centre of the chandelier in the dinner scene.
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the eggs are there...the crew did have an egg hunt, and couldnt find all the eggs, which is why they appear in the film
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Huga writes:
Does someone that knows where they are want to post a list of some of the times in the film (or more accurate descriptions of scenes) that they appear?
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Rachel M writes:
the eggs are there. Me and my friends found all of them. Lots of rewinding and freeze framing let me tell you! but i can assure they are there!
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Rachel M writes:
theres one in the lamp thats shaped like a dragon in the main hall(where they dance the time warp). its in the dragons eye. Under franks throne. you can see it during sweet transvestite. and in the elevator. you can only see it when they finished sweet transvestite and theyre going into the lab. you see that downwards shot and its somewhere near brad i think. and that egg hanging from the chandelier...its not there. thats part of the chandelier. it just happens to be in an egg shape.
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cytherea writes:
I found a picture of one of the eggs! The egg is under the thrown on the cross member.
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There is a hidden 3rd version of the movie which is black and white until they meet Dr Frank N Furter kinda like the Wizard of Oz. From the Main Menu you press left until you see a pair of yellow lips highlighted. press enter. and then you will be able to see the black and white version.
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Ape18 writes:
Can I watch the original beginning on the 25th anniversery edition DVD or VHS? Cause those are the only ones I have. If not, what version do I need to buy to see original beginning?
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