E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Easter Egg - Director As an Actor

In the scene where ET is being resuscitated, one of the doctors, with beard, mustache, and glasses is none other than Steven Speilberg!

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 46 votes
Contributed By: koratioone on 10-31-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: just the flick
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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VF_103_PYRO writes:
this is not an egg. many directors have small inconspicuous parts in their movies. Speilberg is notorious for it. for example a scene in return of the jedi when they are doing battle on Endor near the bunker, Leia or Han I forget which shoots a guy sticking out of the top hatch of a "walker" that man was Speilberg and he was directing the battle scene from the best vantage point possible, atop a 25 foot tall walker prop.
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Fozzy writes:
I honestly never noticed if the person on the walker was speilberg or not, but I'm sure he wasn't directing the movie.
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i noticed this as well, but in the credits, under "Doctors", Spielberg wasn't included.
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EdwardNigma writes:
To VF_103_PYRO: Spielberg didn't direct Return of the Jedi.
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kapgar writes:
I don't know for sure if it was or was not Spielberg in the Walker. However, he did not direct Return of the Jedi or any of the SW flicks for that matter. Episodes I (Menace) and IV (New Hope) were directed by George Lucas, Episode V (Empire) by Irvin Kershner, and Episode VI (Jedi) by Richard Marquand. A better example of a director who appears in his films all the time would be Alfred Hitchcock (little walk on appearances), Woody Allen (stars in all of them, I believe), and Kevin Smith (duh.)
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Oddling writes:
To VF_103_ whatever...Spielberg didn't direct any star wars movies. George Lucas did. So I highly doubt this...plus, to the other person, they wouldn't put him in the credits if it was supposed to be a cameo.
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Director Robert Zemeckis of the Romancing the Stone,Roger Rabbit, Back to the Future,Castaway, Contact, What Lies Beneath fame actually just graduated film school when he gave Spielberg the idea for the simple pan over shot of E.T. hiding amongst all the stuffed animals in the closet.
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Worship82 writes:
Why is it that every extra in the 80s with black hair and glasses automatically has to be a Spielberg cameo? He isn't in Back to the Future driving a jeep, in E.T. as a doctor or Star Wars has a emperial soilder. I'm sure the last thing he thinks when creating one of his masterpieces is "Wait, lets do this shot where I'm drinking a shake and a dinosaur comes out to eat me."
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