Diablo 2 Easter Egg - Cool Sound Chaos Command

When you are in a game, doesn't matter which kind, multiplay or single, press enter to activate the chat and type in "SoundChaosDebug" without quotes. The name speaks for itself but I will not tell you unless someone relplies with it or you try it for yourself. It's better to try it for yourself because you feel more anxious. ENJOY =]

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 278 votes
Contributed By: SeeD on 10-25-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Diablo 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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akaty writes:
Great! By the way, how did you find it ?
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Sacofjoea writes:
My goodness, thats insane! How long does it go on? I got annoyed...
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spatch writes:
Funny...but very annoying.
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gram writes:
that was pretty cool. btw, for those of you who couldnt figure it out, you can make it stop by hitting SoundChaosDebug again. oh, and its not case sensitive.
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Yaksha writes:
I wonder if there is any other SoundXXXDebug eggs.
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SheWolf writes:
*eyes pop out* Jebus....... teehee
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ConCor writes:
If you listen hard enough, you can pick out individual voices, though it's next to impossible to understand what the heck they're saying.
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Joey writes:
That is just Diablo II playing all of the game voices all together at once. you will not get this if you replace all the files in there with empty ones with the same name.
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hawk2024 writes:
If you lister very hard, you can hear Andarial and Cain and Blood Raven, plus others. I've heard them say stuff like "HELP!" which is what Cain shouts when you are trying to rescue hin from Tristram.
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Yavanna writes:
Try it, Yaksha. Try typing SoundDruidDebug or SoundCainDebug or anything else relevant in place of the XXX. None of it will probably work, but hey, if it does...
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Actually, the sound isent looping, or wont work if you type anything else in its place. It is just playing all of the sounds from the disc in random order over and over again. But not looping.
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It is on a lot of other sites, but makes for a fun time to pick out certain phrases.
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