National Discount Brokers Easter Egg - Funny Phone Option

This is really weird... National Discount Brokers is a well-respected stock brokerage company.

The phone number you call will be to National Discount Brokers. The call is free...

1. Dial 1-800-888-3999
2. Listen to all of the options
3. After hearing #7 - "To hear a duck quack, press 7" - hit 7
4. You hear just that - a duck quack! Then it hangs up!

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 586 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-24-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: a phone
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jess writes:
LOL! That is so funny!
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Bugs3580 writes:
I live in the UK but had to try this out it made me chuckle just a little bit try it lol.
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wonder_al writes:
This is one of the funniest eggs yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Beetle writes:
This is very funny. I enjoyed it. My curiosity got the best of me though, so I went looking for a web site and found one for NDB - It seems the duck is their logo!
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Nick Lee writes:
This just shows you that some companies have a sense of humor and can make you laugh when you're in debt.
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zlinc writes:
I don't know about you all, but that sounds like a person quacking, not a duck!
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fsboreal writes:
One reason they may do this is to collect peoples phone numbers. When you call toll free numbers they can do a callerID type of thing (ANI?)on your number and there is no way to block it. They may be collecting phone numbers to sell to phone spammers.
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I guess it doesn't count as an egg anymore, because it is now officially Option 7 from the menu. If you press "#7", you will be transferred to an operator. Notably, the operator answered immediately, and very graciously transferred me back to the main menu for my Duck fix.
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BRADSON1 writes:
It still works! That's Hilarious!!!! I gotta tell my friends!
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Mike writes:
Im assuming that this would be cool, but the egg doesn't work on 4th of July. Like most business's their closed on this holiday but i just wanted to let you know.
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Ticcy writes:
I tried this egg a few months ago. I heard about it at I thought it was really funny, that duck is pretty cool.
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I Am Diablo writes:
That's pretty funny. Although I can't seem to find the number, maybe someone else out there can help me out, a tobacco company has something funny on they're answering machine or whatever it is. It's a little song about tobacco, very cute.
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attackrat writes:
That's classic! Want more phone fun? This isn't really an egg, but it's still pretty amusing. Dial 1-403-553-2731 (it's a Canadian number). You're calling a Canadian National Park of sorts called "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump": it's one of those places where Indians used to chase herds of buffalo over a cliff, killing the lot of them. The funny part of all this comes when the person on the other end picks up and says "Head-Smashed-In, how can I help you?" Hilarity.
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quozzerx writes:
Sorry people, i just called the number and they said "This feature is no longer avalble"
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Josh Santos writes:
Please note that this easter egg doesn't exist anymore; NDB was purchased by Ameritrade in late 2003.
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nate writes:
I read about this way back in the day. There were follow up stories in the news. Apparently it sparked quite a flow of traffic, and a lot of people ended up staying as customers. It boosted their client base by 40%, or something like that.
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i was here writes:
i'm guessing they don't have a phone number here in australia.
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