Loser (Beck) Easter Egg - Back-Tracked

While playing the song, there's an unrecognizable text between 2:30 and 2:51. When this location is played in reverse, it yields the chorus. BTW, the chorus is spanish "Soy un pierdador" which means "I'm a loser". (I've heard ppl sing all sorts of things, as they couldn't make out what it was, yet tried)

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  7.1/10 with 108 votes
Contributed By: Joe Cool on 10-18-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any good sound editor
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Just a little comment. Loser in Spanish is written "Perdedor" not "Pardidor" nor "Pierdador" nor "Perdidor", etc.
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Mayy writes:
I always heard the backwards part and kind of figured it was the chorus, 'cause thats what it sort of sounded like. I was always too lazy to actually check it out. So, well, thanks for doing that! =] PS: those were some creative spellings of perdedor, hehehe.
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Matt Ducz writes:
Not to be mean...but everybody knows that the one backwards part goes "rodadrep nu yooooossssss"...lol...its kinda obvious...oh well
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pain_brush writes:
Thank you for clarifying, I had a stupid friend who SWORE that beck was saying "Sowing (but not sEwing) old candy-corn, i'm a loser..." he wouldn't believe it was hispanic.
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52005200 writes:
No no no... the language is CASTELLANO ! The people from Spain is spanish, and by extension, we can use spanish for the language too. Hispanic is a word with an ethic meaning used, only in States, to represent all the people with South American/Spanish origins (except Brazil where the language is the Portuguese).
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ADD writes:
I used to think the chorus was "Soar over Canada..." lol
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You don't need to backmask to hear that ... it's part of the regular chorus. And last I checked, the *language* was Spanish, and *people* were Hispanic. (yeah, yeah, picky, I know, but I'm one of those people who lecture about how the Titanic was a ship and not a boat ;oP)
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