Star Trek - Voyager: Elite Force Easter Egg - Raven Software Crew Members

Throughout the game, you'll meet some crew members whose names coincide with the Raven staff. The characters are:

Rick Biessman, the trigger-happy crewman:
Holomatch level designer.

Brian Pelletier, the transporter engineer:
Project lead.

Tom Odell, Hazard Team scout:
Assistant lead level designer.

Kenn Lathrop, Hazard Team intelligence officer:
Kenn Hoekstra, project administrator/manual documentation.

Their faces are the actual faces of the Raven Software members; Kenn Hoekstra himself confirmed this. However, the voices are actors. Still, it's nice to have the developers beaming you out and watching your back.

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 51 votes
Contributed By: Archvile on 10-15-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Elite Force retail (Rick Biessman is also in the demo)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Karel Mous writes:
A addition to the list. One of the Hazard team members is called Chang. Chang is the middle name of one of the programmers.
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Mr. Masks writes:
*L* Yeah, it's nice to know they're watching your back.. I just wish their weapons worked a little better.
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