Buddy Holly (Weezer) Easter Egg - Fonzi Dance Scene

About 3 minutes into video Fonzi is dancing in front of the stage. Watch the band closely at this point especially their shirts. At multiple points it shows the original band from the original scene. Notice the lack of sweaters and guitars.

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  7.0/10 with 174 votes
Contributed By: ossuary on 08-27-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: vhs, media player
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Most of the time it wasn't even Henry Winkler who was dancing. Like when you can see the band it's a dance double who's doing the dancing.
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Its not a dance double its actually Spike Jones the video director.
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Pumpkingrrl writes:
Spike Jonze didn't do the Fonzie dance, but he did play the Ritchie Cunningham-role in the video.
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EggMaster writes:
Also, if you watch closely, you can see that the song they're supposed to be playing was also edited in after filming the video portion of it.
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