Almost Famous Easter Egg - Rolling Stone Publisher's Secret Appearance

The movie ALMOST FAMOUS depicts a young writer's experiences writing for Rollong Stone Magazine in the early 1970's. In a scene near the end, when the main character is in New York, he attempts to enter a taxi, only to find that it is already occupied. If you look carefully, you will see that the man in the cab is the real publisher and founder of Rolling Stone magazine, Jann Wenner.

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  6.5/10 with 158 votes
Contributed By: AJS on 10-02-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: See the movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Fozzy writes:
I read this was based on Crowe's own writing experience with Rolling Stone as a teenager. What band did Crowe actually write about?
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Nick Lee writes:
Stillwater depicted The Allman Brothers, which was Cameron's first interview at, you guessed it, 15.
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mants writes:
The movie is based on several bands-- The DVD says all about Crowe's influences. It talks about the articles he wrote for Rolling Stone, and has a "making of" video.
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Yup, it is based on Crowe's experience with several bands, not just the Allman Brothers, though they were one of them... If you read the introductions to the Rolling Stone articles Crowe wrote in the DVD features, you'll recognize aspects from the movie in his description of several bands... For example, in the intro to the Led Zeppelin article, he talks about how it took weeks to actually get Jimmy Page to sit down and do an interview with him - like the guitarist in Stillwater in the movie.
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When he was 15 or 16, Crowe went on tour with Led Zeppelin. He convinced his mom they were "very nice boys."
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PhilEFC writes:
The scene where Stillwater's bass player confesses to being gay, when they think their plane is going crash, is based on a true incident. I can't remember which band it was though.
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Scene where the *drummer* confessed he was gay, Phil, the drummer. The bass player was too tripped out on everything he could get his hands on to care about anyone's sexuality.
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