Starsuckers, Inc. (Nine Inch Nails) Easter Egg - Could This Be Considered Self-Destructive?

To begin, the director credits in the beginning of the video are for someone else, but at the end, it reads 'Marilyn Manson'. At the scene where he pitches CDs into the toilet, among the CD's is Marilyn Manson's 'Mechanical Animals'. The main part though is when he smashes the celebrity busts. If you look close, you'll see Christina Aguilera, Fred Durst, Michael Stipe..and even Trent Reznor himself. What you may not notice though if you are not a fan, is that the bust of Trent has his particular 'facial style' (that is beard, moustache, hair, etc.) for the time period between 1992 and 1994, around the time when he put out the album 'The Downward Spiral'. The key here is that in a later interview, Reznor condemned himself for that album, saying "I found myself doing something that I never thought I'd do" (selling out)
[Not exact quote]

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  7.1/10 with 74 votes
Contributed By: Mr Nixon The Lunatic on 09-28-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A TV
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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coredump writes:
Starsuckers HHAHAA AHAHAH AAHAHAH AAHAHAHAHAH!!!! MTV always changes titles of songs. They changed Tool's "Stinkfist" to Track #1. And more recently, they changed the NIN song from "Starfuckers, Inc." to "Starsuckers, Inc." You can notice the original song title blurred out in the dead carnival sign as Marilyn Manson is going in.
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spatch writes:
good egg. lol coredump
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Tascha writes:
Well actually you do have a very good point with him discriminating him self by trashing his own cd's. Trent in fact did admit that in that time period he hated himself. He also said something about (i cannot remember exactly)that when he looked back on Pretty Hate Machine he was who he hated the most or something like that. But just to set the record i think he's pretty happy with The Fragile so no need to worry to much. LONG LIVE TRENT.
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luzer writes:
Am I the only one that noticed that with one of the cd's that he throws in the toilet is the last "puff daddy" cd. But it looks as if the front cover is blurred out. The cover is black and silver and it's poop daddy himself sitting on a chair or something. Just in case anyone sees it again, you know what to look for.
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eskimo writes:
I haven't seen the video, but if the director listed at the start of the video is Brian Warner, that's Marilyn Manson's real name, so it is listing him, only hidden a little bit to keep the surprise from the not-so-hardcore fans of the band.
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Thanx, Luzer! I couldn't figure what CD was blurred. That only adds fuel to the fire, especially how Trent remixed Puff Daddy's song "Victory". Trent said he only did it to get the paycheck. Talk about selling out, but at least Trent admits it...
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Is it just me, or is the person in the dunk machine suppose to be Courtney love?
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