Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Grocery List

On the wall beside the control panel in the lab are loosely scrawled chemical formulas.

Read the handwriting all the way to the bottom.

The formulas morph into a grocery list: "FlOUR, EGGS, BREAD, SUGAR and TWO HYPODERMIC NEEDLES".

In the Time Warp for Twenty-Five Years....

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  7.0/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 09-28-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch the video
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Moose writes:
I heard that the stuff scribbled on the walls is the chemical formula for LSD, but that's probably just an urban legend. Funny egg. I'll have to look for it.
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rockyfiend writes:
the chemical formula for LSD is C 20 H 25 N 3 O or Carbon 20 Hydrogen 25 Nitrogen 3 Oxygen. go back and watch RHPS again to check.
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Huga writes:
The shopping list is there. When Rocky is being born, and Riff is stepping up the reactor power input three more points, the shopping list is just visible behind him, at about mid-back height. Above it is the word laundry too. I can't see the formula for LSD - it might be in one of the diagrams. A pic of LSD is at if anyone wants to try to find the image of it on the wall there...
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No, it's not the formula for LSD... it's the formula for laundry detergent!
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Rachel M writes:
The LSD thing isn't real. Its the equation for laundry detergent. You can also see the word GLOBBIN 3 times. I tried to figure out was this mean various times. Backwards its 'NIBBOLG' and i cant scramble it into anything relevant. any ideas?
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cytherea writes:
I found a picture of the formula on the wall. It also has a note the call E. Arden with Columbia's name under it.
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Kellz625 writes:
Maybe the whole thing isn't supposed to represent any drugs or even laundry, maybe its just supposed to be genetic makeup for when he's creating Rocky. And the real easter egg could be the grocery list they threw in to see who'd notice. I dunno...Can we get a scientific researcher in here?!
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Kellz625 writes:
As for the word GLOBIN - The definition of globin is: glo·bin (glbn) n. The protein constituent of hemoglobin and myoglobin OR globin n : a colorless protein obtained by removing heme from hemoglobin AND the word hemoglobin: he·mo·glo·bin (hm-glbn) n. Abbr. Hb or hg or hgb. The iron-containing respiratory pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about 6 percent heme and 94 percent globin Ok - I don't understand the medical meaning of these definitions, but it is definately just something Frank would have needed to create Rocky.
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