Command and Conquer Easter Egg - Sell a Infantry

1. build wall (cement works best)
2. Bring a guy (infantry) under it
3. change to sell mode
4. move the mouse just below the wall and click the left mouse button
5. poof if you did it right you just sold your guy

6. To all the c&c fans.. C&C 2 ROCKS !

User Rating:
  5.1/10 with 104 votes
Contributed By: MxPx on 08-26-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: any original c&c .. ra or c&c2 not sure
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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John writes:
This technique is good. It is much more useful however if you could have infinate troops... 1st : find a building to try this out on, cause the first time you are sure to mess up. a guard tower or something is good to start with. 2nd : select the "sell" option. move your cursor over the building to be used and sell it. Before it can complete the sale, right click (to get rid of the "sell" cursor, and quickly click on the building and press the "S" key on your keyboard. 3rd This will stop the sale of the building, and you will still have it. In addition, a few troops have popped out of it as you sold it, and now you can use the above tactic the get infinate cash. This only comes in handy when you had alot of time to kill, and aren't being attacked currently.
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@ssKicker writes:
Actually, this only works on defensive structures, e.g. guard towers, Advanced guard towers, Obelisks of Light, etc. If you've tried it on your construction yard, it ain't your hand-eye coordination that's f***ed, mate.
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gh writes:
it would be useful if you could have infinite infantry - what about red alert 2? Soviet players - build cloning vats - you get a free copy of each infantry unit you create. Try buying one Yuri - you get two - control two enemy GIs or Conscripts and sell them! (or just send them into the cloning vats)
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Nyerguds writes:
The sell-stop cheat doesn't work in C&C95 though. They removed the Stop command on defense buildings to remove this cheat.
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