Might and Magic VI Easter Egg - Hidden Dungeon

If you don't have the Fly spell when you try this, or don't have the money to buy one, don't fret there's a free one.
To find the free Fly scroll, do the following:
1. Go to the either west or east wall of the New Sorpigal Bank and click on it. A fly scroll should pop out.

From here, it get complicated.
1. Activate the Fly scroll.
2. Go to the building in New Sorpigal that looks like a cross.
3. Go to the east side and Fly up.
4. when you're about eye-level with the top of the building, click on the window.
5. You'll now be in a little room in Dragonsand.
6. Avoid the Dragon's fire.
7. Go to the opposite side of the Obelisk.
8. Avoid the Dragon's fire.
9. Now, click on either the obelisk, or on the wall closest to this side of the Obelisk.

When you find it, you'll be in the Hidden Dungeon. There are only 3-4 Goblins in here, and they're the only enemy creatures. All of the humans in the Dungeon represent various game creators. Even the Goblins have names. There is a lot of gold and treasure here, but it will only respawn I believe once per year.

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 55 votes
Contributed By: Warlord on 09-25-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Game, enough life to survive in Dragonsand
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The "Little Room in Dragonsand" to which he refers is the Shrine of the Gods . . . If you look at it on the map, you should notice that it looks like the NWC logo. Clicking the wall inside takes you to New World Computing, which is the area he was talking about. Also, if you can take the heat, walking outside and clicking a certain panel on the "sword" portion of the logo transports you back to New Sorpigal.
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twillight writes:
There are only two goblins inside (a shaman and a master). The obelisk has no use getting inside, only gives +20 to all statistics permanently once per character. The place counts as a dungeon, so the respanw-rate should be two years. The only dungeon that respawns faster then two years is the Hive.
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