Age Of Empires II: Age of Kings Easter Egg - El Cid's Rest Stop

In the second mission of the El Cid campaign (The Enemy of my Enemy), you will find a sign in the lower right end of the map on the cobblestone pathway. Click on it, and look in the upper left corner of your screen. Bold white letters will appear..."Last rest stop for many miles". Somehow I never thought of El Cid needing those...

P.S. There are many signs on the map, but only that one has the message on it.

User Rating:
  4.6/10 with 115 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-14-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Age of Empires II Expansion: The Conquerors
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Devil of War writes:
Text will appear when clicking several of th signs in that particular scenario.
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They couldn't just hold it in those days, could they?
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M^2K writes:
This happens in other scenarios too. If you use the marco polo cheat to reveal the map, some signs will say intresting things. Usually, they just help though.
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