Diablo 2 Easter Egg - Hidden Characters

There are characters in Diablo II that are not used. To see them you have to edit a saved game with a hex-editor (UltraEdit-32).

Change the 34st number in:

05 = Dark Wanderer (brown robe)
06 or 07 = Dark Wanderer (gray robe)
08 = Warrior (Diablo I)
09 = Wizard (Diablo I)
10 = Diablo II fan
11 = Wizard
12 = Maid(en)
13 = Belltoller

There is one problem, the characters can not be used. When you want to start the savegame it freezes. :(

(I dont know if there are characters with 0A to 0F.)

User Rating:
  4.2/10 with 475 votes
Contributed By: Nanomancer on 09-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The game and a hex-editor
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Not that great if you can't use the person.
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Scorch writes:
The dark wanderer is used. if you hurry out at the begining of act 3 you will see him walking slowly away from the town, he will stop then poof away and in his place several monsters appear.
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djtwinks writes:
Although this is still cool, it is not an egg and is just left on there because it is easier for the developer(blizzard). It was stuff that was gonna be used but was decided against at the last moment, and to get it to the public they left it on the disk. I still love the whole explosion of a game just the same though.
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ildon writes:
These are used in battle.net chat. They're not hidden. Check out http://www.battle.net/diablo2/basics/bnetchat.shtml
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Nehmeziz writes:
Breezeman1288> Take a look at www.diabloii.net , there you will find almost everything about Diablo2 and the Exp,pack.
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mikk writes:
Where can I find the editor???
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Maxz writes:
these characters are actually used for bnet chatrooms, and you can't use the characters in the game. there is a cheat that lets you get the characters without using a hex editor at diabloworld.com.
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Ptolmey writes:
The Dark Wanderer is also used for the characters that are laggy.
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ConCor writes:
These characters are used to represent people logged onto battle.net using somthing other than Diablo 2. You can do other stuff with clever hacking too, including giving your character the black tower key. Originaly, to get into the durance of hate, you had to kill some monster and get the black tower key. Later, though, the quest was changed so you had to smash the compelling orb, and the black tower key was left in the game, but with no way to obtain it normally. Go do diabloii.net to find out more.
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mchotdog writes:
The black-robe dark wanderer is used for hardcore characters who died (you will see your character in the form of dark wanderer in character list, but in bnet chatroom it becomes your original character again).
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