Legacy of Time Easter Egg - Cartoon Ducks Fly Around Your Head

1. You will have needed to have completed most of the game, but...
2. In Shangri-La (Himalayas), change your chamelion-guise to the pilgrim.
3. Go to Gengis Khan's tent (not the steam tunnel entrance!).
4. Talk to him. He will punch you.
5. Repeat step 4 about three times, you know he will do it when he yells at you, murmurs a bit, then finally punches you.
6. Look at the cartton ducks! (He must have hit you real hard!)

User Rating:
  4.8/10 with 33 votes
Contributed By: Matthew Wright on 07-10-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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This isn't an easter egg. An easter egg is hidden. This is plain to see if you talk to him more than two times as the pilgrim or the dob dob
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