Star Wars: Droidworks Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

To activate these cheats,you must hit enter,type out the cheat,then hit enter again.

1.fitto = all droid parts
2.somoney = all missions
3.mst3k = all in game movies
4.beefcake = refill droid power
5.getem = full inventory
6.tuffy = god mode
7.beem = fly mode
8.gogo = super speed
9.tardis = hit backspace plus 1-9 to teleport

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 109 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-23-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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@ssKicker writes:
This must sound SO ignorant, but...which button is Backspace? My Windows 98 keyboard doesn't have a key with the label Backspace.
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RLF writes:
It's probably the "delete" button. :-)
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@ssKicker writes:
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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@ssKicker writes:
Still doesn't work, I'm afraid.
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RLF writes:
Okay, first hit enter, then blindly type in "tardis" (without quotes), then hit enter again. Now, if you hold down delete, and then press 1 or 2 or 3 or etc., you'll teleport to a certain part/place in the mission. Personally, I think it's the best cheat because you can just teleport to the security exit doors in a 'snap'.
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@ssKicker writes:
I think it's really funny on Mission #4- Gearing Up. Build a long-legged droid and use the "beem" cheat on it. Only the beem. Then, use the "tardis-5" to go to the bit with the metal tube leading down. Tell someone who doesn't know about these to try to escape from the room. They'll find that the droid can fly, so they can't go down the tube, and the droid is too big to escape via the door!
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Pat writes:
These cheat codes work fine but once activated, how does one turn them off when they're no longer needed (like fly mode or super speed)?
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@ssKicker writes:
Oh, you just type them out again. And here's some more cheat codes you forgot: moth= Console on. It's some red text at the side that tells you what's going on e.g. Conversation started! See ya later! Yoyo! Entered 222! kingme= Lets you see through the droid's eyes. The droid is no longer on the screen. unfo= Information.
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RLF writes:
Just enter in the code again and it should turn off.
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RLF writes:
Also, Defcon 0=starting rank Defcon 1=novice rank Defcon 2=intermediate rank Defcon 3=difficult rank
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@ssKicker writes:
Did I tell you I only have the demo? It only lets you play the Apprentice stage of Mission #4. I've been trying to buy the thing, but it won't let you buy it outside of the USA. Greedy b****rds.
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RLF writes:
Well,in a way,you're sort of lucky.In mission #4(Gearing Up),to become a Master,you can only have one grabbing hand(you must have a power plug),and you have to complete the mission in under 6 minutes!It took me 30 minutes the first time around!
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@ssKicker writes:
The first time, before I knew about the cheats, I took 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete it. With the cheats, I can complete it in under 15 seconds!
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RLF writes:
HELL YEAH!Cheat codes ROCK!!!!
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skunkman writes:
i hate you all
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Normanda writes:
What did we do to upset skunkman? P.S. That teleport cheat doesn't work. And my computer keeps on going really slowly when i use the flying cheats. Any ideas on how to fix it? Oh yeah, and the in-game movies cheat doesn't work either.
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