Terminator 2 : Ultimate Edition Easter Egg - The Extended Special Edition

Select Go To Special Edition, make sure Play Special Edition is highlighted (red) and ...

Type on the remote (not to fast): 82997
as you type the words: The Future Is Not Set appear in yellow on the right hand site, where the symbols where.

Then select Play Extended Special Edition.

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 447 votes
Contributed By: Murphy on 08-21-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Murphy writes:
I know there are a few typo's in there, but you get the general idea. You can also go directly to the extended special edition by selectng title 3, but that's too easy.
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sadomasa writes:
Hmmm....isnĀ“t that password the date when the computers took over...yeah it is...cool
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Romeo writes:
As far as I can tell, the only change is that Ch. 78 is now "Future Peace." Did anyone find any thing else different? Its still pretty cool though.
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Gendo writes:
The words are: "The Future Is Not Set" (if you look at the menu it has the numbers there for you(roman numerals)) Chapter 24 the T1000 goes into Johns room, and touches everything Chapter 38 they open Arnolds Brain Chapter 41 Arnold tries to smile Chapter 43 opens on a pool scene Chapter 45 looks a little different Chapter 54 T1000 in the scientist's house Chapter 67 T1000 hand gets stuck and matches anything he touches, pretty cool Chapter 78 John's mother talking into a mini recorder
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Jim O. writes:
All of these scenes have already been seen in either the S.E. or more than meets the eye. There does not appear to be any never before seen footage.
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RSRich writes:
Near the end of the movie, when the T1000 has duplicated Sarah Conner and the real Sarah walks up from behind, John Conner looks down at the 1st "Sarah's" feet and notices that they have copied, and are blending in with, the grating they are standing on. John then realizes which Sarah is the fake and shoots.
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a.r.aedy writes:
Here is what I have seen diferent between the Special Edition and the Extended Special Edition: Ch 24: T-1000's Search is longer - the T-1000 searches John's room and finds a hidden box full of items John has kept, from his Mother. Ch 78: "Future Peace" was "The Unknown Future", the ending is completely different. Altough these scenes (as Jim O states above) were in "T2: More Than Meets The Eye", they were not shown in full, so this is the first time these scenes have been shown in their entirety as far as I know.
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Jim O. writes:
The scene where fake Sarahs feet blend in with the grating is ch.75 and it is the same in both the special ed. and the extended special-ed. The only difference that I can see between title 2 S.E. , and title 3 EXT. S.E., is ch.24 and 78. but even this footage has been seen before in more than meets the eye. Therefore it still appears that there is no never before seen footage as advertised. I do however feel that this DVD is a must for every collection!!!
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Jim O. writes:
This is NOT an honest egg! #1. title 3 the extended special edition is clearly the main feature. I mean seriously,what are you going to do, buy the ultimate edition to watch the theatrical release or the S.E. How can you call the main feature an egg??????? #2. the ext. S.E. was advertised on express.com as being a hidden easter egg. If its hidden and they tell you its there,then your supposed to find it,if your supposed to find it,then its not a real egg,is it? A better egg for this dvd would have been a G&R video. I suspect that the high rating of this egg has more to do with overall rating of the dvd itself,which is a 10+. I feel the egg itself is inappropriate.
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icepick314 writes:
Does anyone know how to get the Extended Special Version using PC's DVD Player?
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bazboyz writes:
to get the other ending using a pc dvd player e.g the creative dvd player, goto chapter search and choose title 3 this is the ultimate cut.title 1 is the theatrical release.title 2 is the directors cut.title 2 and 3 both have 82 chapters where title 1 has 72.you may even find lots more on other DVD this way :)
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I heard a very strong rumor that there is a scene that will never be seen, EVER! This scene occurs in the last few seconds of the film where we see John Connor living happily ever after(young or old, i don't know) with his mother. This scene was deleted and maybe burned (I guess) because Cameron was considering a third film in the series (way back then) with the return of the Terminators, and yes, there will a third title coming now, almost guaranteed. This one will most definitely have the legendary Arnold, but the question is if Cameron will direct it. If this IS true, I congratulate Cameron in smart thinking, and use of common sense. A wonderful and very log awaited third chapter might be coming along now. Excellent job with removing that scene!
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Bryan writes:
The number that you type in to get the extended movie is also the date the world was going to end.
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Code Zero writes:
Matrix_Forensics_Laboratories is semi correct. Yes there is an alternate ending, one where everything is perfect and there is no opening for a 3rd movie. HOWEVER.. I have seen it. It takes place on the playground that was destroyed in Sarah's vision. John is about 30 - 35 and is playing with his kids. Sarah is siting on a bench talking about how every thing is over yadda yadda yadda. It was pretty lame and I am glad they tossed it.
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Well, apparently the original ending was NOT burned and destroyed forever, as suggested, because it is on the extended version. It takes place 30 years after the final showdown with the T1000, at a Washington DC park, (not the park that Sarah sees destroyed in her vision), and john is a senator in his 40's. Another movie or not, I REALLY liked this ending better. It's a wonderful, touching way to close the film. And who cares? They completely changed the premise of the first film in the second one anyway, (where, in the future, they supposedly destroyed the time machine after Kyle went thru)
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Risquit writes:
Does anyone know how to navigate to the Extended Special Edition on a PS2?
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Cartman writes:
I can't get this egg to work on my portable DVD player, someone please help!
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Redbeard_nv writes:
Special notice for those of you still having problems with entering the code for special extended version with the alternate ending. In a phone call to Artisan, their specialty rep informed me that there was a problem with some people not being able to find their way into the egg using the Judgment Day code of "82997". He faxed me an internal memo with the following information: 1) The enter key must be pressed after each number: 8 "enter" 2 "enter" 9 "enter" 9 "enter" 7 "enter" 2) You have only 5 seconds to enter each number. 3) Some DVD players are unable to access the special edition using the title 3 function, most notably SONY. Hopes this helps.
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TKR writes:
To activate the extended special edition on the PS2, you must go to the control menu (press select) and press "0 8" "0 2" "0 9" "0 9" "0 7". You won't have much time between each set so you'll have to hurry. Hope this helps those who are PS2 confined.
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Eoin Friel writes:
I cannot get the extended special edition to work on my dads Wharf-dale 750 but it works fine on my Sony 325. Does anyone know how to get it to work?
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duck my sick writes:
I just want to add about what max said, there are gonna be 2 more terminator movies coming out not just one
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Sano ^_^ writes:
T3 Is definatly comming out, the only problem is that it will be comming out next summer. SUCK!!
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To do this egg on a ps2, you must enter each number in the code as a 2 digit number. So you must hit: 0,8,0,2,0,9,0,9,0,7
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MetalzoneX writes:
For those who were questioning whether the original ending had ever been shown before in it's entirety, I remember there being this "Secrets" special on ABC way back (sometime shortly after T2's theatrical release) where they showcased a lot of mundane crap, but they topped the show off with the original ending of Terminator 2. They stated that when they put the movie in front of test audiences, they audiences leaned more towards the final ending, due to it leaving room for a sequel, while the other did not.
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this was not the same park as sarah saw destroyed, 1) it had no wire fence around it and 2) in every interview they ask this the answer is always that it isnt the same park
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On the R2 version, the access code is the same, but after it has been entered (again, "The Future Is Not Set" is highlighted one word at a time per digit), it goes to a two-item menu showing the two extra scenes: "T-1000 searching John's Room" and "Future Coda - Alternate Ending". There is no option via this egg on the R2 product to see the film with these included (i.e. no "Play Special Extended Version" option)
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Alex writes:
Does anyone know how to activate this easter egg on the Xbox 360?
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Vince writes:
There is an alternate way to view the extended special edition if you have a PS2, all you need to do is bring up the menu and select the go to option, then select go to title and type in "03" and the movie will begin automatically
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