Beauty And The Beast (1991) Easter Egg - Hidden Mickeys

As Bell is sneaking off to the west wing, there is a shot of her walking up the stairs. At this point, you might want to pause the movie. At the base of the stairs under the gargoyles there appears to be an upside down mickey carved in the wood.

Also, at the bottom right (your left) of the screen, where it is pink, there seems to be a mickey shaped carving next to the stairs.

Please correct me if I'm wrong!

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 78 votes
Contributed By: Jess on 08-04-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the movie, good eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jess writes:
Oh! I forgot one thing... go check out
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