Jedi Knight Easter Egg - Max the Rabbit - Take 2

1. It's difficult, I advise saving your game before trying this.
2. At the end of level 9 "Fuel Station Launch" save right before you run the final length of the fuel gantry.
3. Activate Force Speed.
4. Run down the gantry backwards. This is important.
5. Jump onto the ship.
6. If you timed it right, you will land on the ship's ledge backwards, letting you see the end of the gantry. There he is! Max the Rabbit, x3!

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 37 votes
Contributed By: Tim Hoffman on 07-10-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lil' Bro writes:
Here's a better idea (how I discovered this one), use fly mode (hit "t", then ype eriamjh).
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