Xenogears Easter Egg - Hidden Music Video

First, put in the Making of LUNAR disc. Wait for the video to begin, then open the disc cover and without turning off the power, put in the second disc of Xenogears. Don't worry, this shouldn't harm your PS. Not only will it play all of the movies on the disc, but about midway through the disc, a song will play while showing FMV from the game! The song is called "Star of Tears" and cannot be obtained by any other means on the disc! Enjoy the song, it's really good!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 144 votes
Contributed By: John Mora on 07-25-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of the Making of LUNAR disc
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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MrPlaid writes:
Actually, you can get this using the debug code for Xenogears. You can probably find it at www.gamesages.com or one of the other numerous cheat sites.
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John Mora writes:
True, I had forgotten about that. But if you also own the LUNAR disc, this way is a little easier. I hated the debug menus. I could never find exactly what I wanted.
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GuruClef writes:
Actually, if you can find it, you can use a program called PSMplay to look at and view files found on a PSX cd, including pictures, music and also movies. I used that to view the hidden video on there, and also to check out the rest of the movies heh. :) I think the website to get it is www.zophar.net, but don't quote me on that. It's been quite a while since I downloaded it and I don't quite remember.
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Wow. This is talking about Lunar Silver Star Story Complete correct? I just finished the game yesterday and wrote a message on a message base saying how much Lunar reminded me of another great game, Xenogears, Alex like Fei and Luna like Elly (Yes I do know Lunar is older because of the Sega days). I own neither game but they are both favorites. I wish had both games in my hands right now.
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