Thinner Easter Egg - Stephen King Cameo

As many of you know, Stephen King often makes cameos in his movies, such as Pet Semetary or The Stand. In 'Thinner', he plays a slightly creepy pharmacist. This is the scene where Billy (in an advanced stage of thinness) enters a pharmacy to get some medicine. It's fairly obvious, so it shouldn't be hard to miss. Enjoy!

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  4.8/10 with 21 votes
Contributed By: Leeshy-Lu on 07-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of the movie
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Actually, Billy hadn't even started getting thin yet in the scene where Stephen King is. He never even went into the pharmacy. He was driving while his wife was...well, let's not get in to that now. They show the old gypsy getting a prescription and his 90-something year-old daughter walks out (stealing something, by the way), and Billy, being obviously distracted, hits the gypsy guy's daughter and it kills her. Later, the gypsy guy gives him the curse. Also, note that when Stephen King's character is testifying in court to the death of the old woman, the judge refers to him as Mr. Bangor. Now, Stephen King seems to be obsessed with Maine for some reason, and he bases most of part of almost all of his books in Maine. And it just so happens that he lives in Bangor, Maine.
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Slurpdog37* writes:
Hello! Steven King is obsessed with Maine because that is where he has lived for most of his life. A famous piece of advice for authors is to "write what you know." He knows the climate, topography, dialect, and any other details about the general atmosphere that one would need to know to write a worthwhile book.
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MetalElf writes:
Good catch on the cameo, however - Stephen King makes cameos in almost all of his movies. (Just as Alfred Hitchcock appeared in all (or most) of his own movies.)
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