Rogue Squadron Easter Egg - Rogue Squadron Easter Eggs

I've found a number of things in Rogue Squadron that are interesting. While you are flying around in the first level, Tatooine, on a cliff to the west of the city Mos Eisley, you can spot a few Stormtroopers on dewbacks. Also, if you fly a little farther, you can see the escape pod that R2-D2 and C-3P0 flew in during the first movie surrounded by two Stormtroopers (R2-D2 will beep as you fly by it). Also, the huge skeleton of a Krayt Dragon that they see in the desert is also up there, along with some Tusken Raiders.

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 124 votes
Contributed By: Brian on 08-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Rogue Squadron for the computer or the Nintendo64
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Mentor writes:
These are not really eggs. They are importent to end the level with a gold medel, as you must kill the stormtroopers and the dewbacks to get the necesary 4 kills to up from gold to silver.
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Flarestar writes:
Yes - these are very cool! Also, there is Jabba's palace on the hill (yes, that's what it is) the pit of carkoon (nesting place of the almighty saarlac) from Return of the Jedi and you can see some Skyhoppers racing through Beggar's canyon.
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Here's an easter egg for yas, One of the levels takes on a desert planet that is the galaxy's only producer of "glitterspice" a substance that gives the consumer psychic abilities...If any of you have ever read the Dune series by Frank Herbert or seen the movie Dune, then you'll know that in that series there is a planet called arrakis, it produces spice, and the spice gives consumers psychic abilities, coincidence, not likely. You can find this in the R squadron manual in the levels section. I swear George Lucas must be low on imagination these days, that fat loser.
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well...maybe he's not a loser he's super rich, but he did release the Episode 1 dvd and vhs within a big enough interval to try to sucker people into rushing to buy the vhs and then when the dvd finally came, he's there waving his arms and jumping from foot to foot advertising the dvd's super bonus clips. I know that most dvds take longer to make than dvds and do come later, but jeez come on, it was a big enough gap that he milked the buyers, the gullible buyers, he milked them.***note to self, stick to subject***
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WickedEgg writes:
These are not really eggs. Eggs are things that are meant to be hidden- not out in the open, plain for everyone to see!! The real eggs in Rogue squadron are hard to find, and no, I'm not submitting them. Buildings that you recognise from the films and people you've seen before (yes, Crix Madine IS in Star Wars) can not be called eggs. Not that I want to be mean or anything...........
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Gasgano writes:
If you've ever played Dark Forces, you'll know that General Madine is the guy whose sorry butt you have to save in level 6 (the Detention Center)
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SouthPaw writes:
hey, flyingdebrisguy, just so you know, the planet is called kessel and has been around since the very first movie. in fact, the spice mines are mentioned not 10 miniutes into the move, in the very first spoken line of diolouge ("we'll be sent to the SPICE MINES OF KESSEL..." sound familiar?)(also the Falcon's claim to fame was it's speed at the KESSEL run, the run where Han had to dump his load of illegal SPICE, getting him in trouble with jabba in the first place). I think herbert ripped Lucas off! also, the exact details of the glitterspice and kessel can be found in the 3 jedi academy books (jedi search, dark apprentis and champions of the force) by Kevin J. Andersen.
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All I am saying is that there is some very very suspicious similarities between kessel and dune, dune came out in 1965 (the book not the movie) I'm not sure when the Star Wars books first came came out but I'm fairly certain that the similarities are pretty damn close as similarities come, and that would make Lucas the copycat not Herbert. I'm by the way am not a basher of Star Wars in any way, I am a sci fi enthusiast as sci fi enthusiasts go. Battletech rules! Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
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qwerty writes:
Actually, the stuff is called "glitterSTIM". "Spice" by itself is a separate drug. To answer Flyingdebrisguy, the first "non-movie" Star Wars book came out in May, 1991. That would be "Heir to the Empire" by Timothey Zahn.
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Coldfyre writes:
The first "non-movie" Star Wars book? What about Splinter of the Minds Eye, and that Han Solo trilogy? Those came out before all three movies were even out, I think.
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Coldfyre writes:
Okay, before anyone corrects me, when I say "before all three movies came out", I don't mean before *any* of them came out. I mean before the trilogy was completely out.. somewhere after a New Hope.
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The book Dune by Frank Herbert mentions "spice", a desert planet, the psychic powers derived from the spice, as well as its addictive properties in 1965(i've read the book) and to my recollection Star Wars started in the 70s which leads to the fact that Lucas is using Herbert's idea. The mention of that in the movie and in the game means either 1. he admires Herbert or 2. thought he could swipe the idea as his own, or 3. This is all a conspiracy and Lucas is Herbert. -Creepy-
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CnCDolphin writes:
Well this is all nice and good, and yes, the Spice Mines of Kessel did come out after the Dune book. But I believe that George Lucas can use that idea, I mean, what did Dune copy.....The use of planets....Your not going after Dune for having plagerized the first movie to ever use the idea for staging a movie in space. I know my comment made like, no sense, but just leave the subject alone...It's a game! Thank you for your time.
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WickedEgg writes:
Is anything an egg? I mean, every one i have looked at has had tonnes of negative comments and bad votes. And then there's the 0/0 or 5/123 people found this helpful: nobody says anything good like 'thanks that was helpful'. Instead it's all 'that's not an egg' or 'learn how to spell'. Does this great site have to have so many petty comments and quibbles? Just a thought...
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OK, flyingdebrisguy, I'm sorry, but I really dislike you.
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