Escape Velocity: Override Easter Egg - Matt's Poem

Heh nice one this.. good on Matt for coding it and Andrew for allowing it.
Basically hold the Option (Alt) key and the shift key down and click just above the c in the title "Escape"... a nice little poem about Matt's exerience with EVO and a coupla of impersonations of Ambrosia staff appear.


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  7.1/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Pringlis on 06-26-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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This isn't anything special about the shift key, the area above the c or even EV:O. This is in both EV and EVO, you need only press the option key anywhere in the title image, for anyone who cares this is the gateway to the forklift which is a powerful weapon which can destroy a confederate cruiser (EV) in 5 hits and destroy a Vornian Crusier (EVO) in 4 hits, to do it just hit option command shift when you see the MCB 4:30 am...
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