Quake 2 Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

Quake 2

Quake 2 Cheat Codes:
sv_gravity ### ### = Gravity Value
god God Mode
notarget No Target Mode
noclip No Clipping
give all All Items
give jacketarmo Jacket Armor
give blaster Blaster
give shotgun Shotgun
give sshotgun Super Shotgun
give machinegun Machinegun
give grenadelauncher Grenade Launcher
give rocketlauncher Rocket Launcher
give shells Shells
give bullets Bullets
give cells Cells
give grenades Grenades
give rockets Rockets
give slugs Slugs
give mines Mines
give nuke Nuke
give quad Quad Damage
give invulnerability Invulnerability
give silencer Silencer
give rebreather Rebreather

give all - besides putting the above in your inventory also gives you 999 of the following: Environment Suit, Data CD, Power Cube, Pyramid Key, Data Spinner, Security Pass, Blue Key, Red Key, Commander's Head, and Air Strike Marker.

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 80 votes
Contributed By: Sam Leveridge on 08-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: normal version of Quake 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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snoopy writes:
what the hell are "mines" and "nukes"? I've never come across them in quake and when you put them in the console it just says "unknown object" or something - I dont supose someone could enlighten me?
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