Malcolm in the Middle Easter Egg - Brand O' Cigs

In the episode where Malcolm's father takes his sons to the racetrack (sorry, i turned it on halfway through, that's about all of the plot i caught), his mother decides to clean house and finds all of the boys' hidden things. She then piles them on the Kitchen Table
One of the boys has a pack of cigarettes labled "Morley" cigarettes. If i'm not mistaken, this is a brand from one of the episodes of "The X-Files", the show that comes on right after "Malcolm".

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  5.8/10 with 189 votes
Contributed By: superchris50 on 06-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the episode in Question
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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d-x-pilie writes:
For true X-files fans this is rather significant. Morley is a ficticious brand, it is also the brand that the cig smoking man smokes
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wroth_2340 writes:
Wow this is the greatest Easter egg that I have found on this site so far!
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lgarner writes:
I just started watching what appears to be an original episode of "The Outer Limits", featuring Nick Mancuso as a cult leader. At the start, a man gets on the bus to "the promised land" after handing over a carton of Morley Cigarettes. Apparently it's a popular fictitious brand.
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Nb2000 writes:
You're not wrong abvout it being popular brand. Acording to the BBC website it's the brand Spike in Buffy The Vampire Slayer smokes.
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BigDick writes:
F.Y.I: Morley is also a spoof on the word 'Marley' which is a nickname for the famous American Brand Tobacco 'Marlboro'....
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You know how the Morley cigarettes look like Marlboros, well how about this. One of the chemist's that works for Marlboro is named CP Morley, so maybe thats where the name of the fake brand came from.
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