Hellfire Easter Egg - Entering Secret Quests and Enable Bard & LAN

1. To access some secret Easter eggs in Hellfire, create a text file called command.txt and place it in your Hellfire directory.
2. Next, place the following line in command.txt:
3. multitest cowquest theoquest bardtest
4. This enables LAN and modem games, two new quests (cow quest and theo quest), and a new character class, the Bard. (The Bard reuses the Rogue's art, but can use two weapons at once and has the identify spell as her natural ability.)

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 86 votes
Contributed By: Daffy on 07-10-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Man Of Sun writes:
This one is even more cool when you notice that Bard can kill 2 jerks at once :]]
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Also "barbariantest" gives you a barbarian. With the bard try using two weapons that increase damage by like 200% (Kills almost all baddies in one hit). Now you're talking.
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Lateralus138 writes:
I have made a text file named command.txt in the C:/SIERRA/HELLFIRE directory and added the lines: multitest cowquest theoquest bardtest to it, but I don't see any of the changes. No new classes at least.
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