Perfect Dark (N64) Easter Egg - Shameless Showing-Off

In Mission 3 Part 2 inside the G5 building, look inside the safe, along with the backup of Dr. Carrol's personality you'll find an unusual looking statue. It's actually an award from The British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Rareware actually has picked up quite a few of these for games like Banjo-Kazooie and Goldeneye. They're probably just trying to say they'll get one or two more for Perfect Dark.

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 107 votes
Contributed By: Unlocked on 06-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: An Expansion Pack
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Eggsofsteel writes:
it is true in the safe but you can not pick up the statue
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Doog writes:
I shot the award when I saw it, although I didn't make the connection between Rare's awards and the award there - I thought it was something to do with the President's advisor bloke, Trent whatsit... :D
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alibaba writes:
well they are right about putting it in the game (it is the best game ever!!!)
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Eggsofsteel writes:
well alibaba your absolutely right in saying its the best game ever but im affraid it comes in a near second to goldeneye... seeing as how it is a direct copy of goldeneye(same game engine) but game play is much better in PD cause of more weapons, enhanced graphics, and not only more but extremely useful and better weapons
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^NØX^ writes:
I'm afraid Perfect dark may have a more lame story line but the graphics and game play are much better than Golden-eye. I only wish that you could get all the weapons on double handed with the "All weapons" cheat. And they forgot the Slayer in the "all weapons" cheat! Damn Rare...maybe they meant it.... ^NØX^
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You guys (and/or girls) are loony. Rare did nothing wrong. Take the All Weapons cheat + Infinite Ammo cheat together, for instance. Of course you're not going to get a double Laptop gun or RCP-120. Those weapons take 2 hands to operate (at least hold), and that is visible on the screen. If you could have double everything, Joanna would be a mutant freak with 4 hands. That, is not good. The Psychosis gun, when using the cheats mentioned above, only gives 4 shots, not an infinite amount. Could be because Rare didn't want people to go and shoot everybody with it, or there is some technical limitation the N64 has that won't allow everybody to be on the same team in Solo. As for the Slayers absence, you'll just have to ask Rare.
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Tempy writes:
Does anybody know how to get the psychosis gun? I keep hearing hundreds of ppl bragging about how fast they can do everything, but I want to know how.
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KiLDoZR writes:
the reason the slayer isn't in all guns is it tends to crash the game quite often
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I'd just like to say that this Eggsofsteel guy is a worthless moorock who knows nothing about games. One of the reasons he says Goldeneye is better than Perfect Dark (which it isn't) is that PD's engine is a copycat... this has got to be the stupidest argument... EVER!!! Goldeneye is (like any shooter worth a crap these days) ripped off of the Quake 3 engine. Anyone who complains about engine ripoffs obviously doesn't know that JOHN ROMERO IS GOD!!! Thank you. I will now get off the soapbox.
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