Perfect Dark (N64) Easter Egg - Hidden Cheese

A piece is hidden on every level of PD, these are vague so you might have to search a little harder.
Level 1 - Hidden on the 5th floor.
Level 2 - Near experiment CPU.
Level 3 - 4th floor near the Dragon.
Level 4 - In the cellar near one of the exits.
Level 5 - In a toilet in the Punk Pond bar.
Level 6 - Near the Damping Field Generator.
Level 7 - There is no cheese on this stage. No, there really isn't, even the guides don't list one in level 7.
Level 8 - Near shortcut to locker room.
Level 9 - In an empty and useless room shaped like this: [[ ]]
Level 10 - In the area past the uniform.
Level 11 - Near the back of the lower deck.
Level 12 - Hidden in the area behind the Medical Scanner.
Level 13 - Can't miss it, hallway, next to the first room you see.
Level 14 - Right in front of the start!
Level 15 - Behind the door that was always locked before this mission (behind the Skedar w/Mauler).
Level 16 - Behind a Skedar to the right of the Callisto, well, generally.
Level 17 - Next to the Shield (only there in A/SA) at the end of dead end tunnel (head the WRONG way at the start).

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 66 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: 1 Nintendo 64, 1 Contoller, 1 Game, 2 Eggs (Stir for 30 minutes)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Chris writes:
Why are you wanting to collect cheese?
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Slim Shady writes:
What does this do once you have collected the things????????
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My friend has Perfect Dark. He has the strategy guide so he knows where they are. He says you just look at the cheese, like its a little joke by the programmers.
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Bowser writes:
It was originaly going to be part of some time trial mode, but they ran out of time to finish it.
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The Big Man writes:
Finding the cheese was originally an alternative to beating the time trials to get the better cheats but rare ran out of time so they dropped it just like the island in the dam in 007 there wasnt enough time for that either P.S. Forgive if im a little off or cause I am stating the obvious
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bBoYmOfo writes:
Do anybody know any BUTTON CODES for Perfect Dark??
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rangeviper writes:
They don't have the button codes available yet. They'll only post those after a long time, to give people the chance to beat it by themselves. Besides, using button codes takes the fun and challenge out getting things by yourself.
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^NØX^ writes:
Well, you are all right for the cheese, Rare were going to make some time trial thing and when you found the cheese, some sort of special weapon would be collected... I think. And the button codes are not going to be out in a long time just like the Golden-eye ones.
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arnoldthebat writes:
Apparently if you shoot all of the cheese's a new multi-player team option is opened. Players vs Team 64. Not tried it myself (gonna take some work) but you can find the first hand report of this on page 69, issue 50 of the UK based magazine, N64 Magazine.
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The Wolf writes:
There is a cheese in Carrington Institute (training). First, go down in the basement and take the hover box in the hangar. Then take this to the door between the lobby and the firing range, so that you can prevent it from closing. The go into the firing range and place yourself next to the glass door to prevent it from closing. The go into the weapons menu and choose Slayer-bronze and if done correctly, you will be able to shoot out of the firing range. The shoot a fly-by-wire rocket and steer it out of the firing range, past the blocked up door, down the walkway out to the landing pads and upwards. Now you should be on the other side of the locked door in the lobby, and nearby is a cheese. You can use this too shoot on the guy just outside the door too(like throw some knives and darts on him).
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WickedEgg writes:
Perfect Dark is a great game, like most of Rare's, but like most of Rare's games, it is incomplete. They left loads of little things in it that make no sense, if you just look around. There was going to be a fun pilot level where you guide the ship to the skedar home world, but they scrapped that. At least they got rid of that one. Oh, and about the button codes. They didn't release the Goldeneye button codes until PD was on the market. I think they'll do the same- wait until their next big game before releasing them. It's a trick to make you buy the new game BEFORE you can have fun with cheats for the old one. If they hadn't have done this, and given the codes early, I guess that PD would not have sold as well as it did. Clever really.....
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I think the fact that there is cheese hidden in weird places is actually a reference. In one episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway? (British version) in a Scenes From A Hat game, one of the scenes was something like "Cliches that never made it." Chip Estan says "Cheese is often where you least expect it."
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Cheezit2000 writes:
Here we go with the dreaded Button Codes again. Smooth bboy... lol!!!!
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TED writes:
Hope ya got a plate & wine for the cheese.
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They also cut a face-mapping feature that was going to utilize the Game Boy Camera.
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And on the villa level, if you shoot every whine bottle in the cellar, Carrington will say something very rude.
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Dushin writes:
aight for the guy who asked about button codes, if you have sim's on your team and you hold A and then hit Z, then Z again, you will be able to tell your first teammate what to do. also, to cycle through your teammates is Z again.
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Dushin writes:
also, does anyone out there have a BETTER discription about where the cheeze are or what they look like? if so, please post it. :)
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Darkfyoramon writes:
Is it just me or is the island that you can see with the zoom mode in Goldeneye the same island as the villa that you have to infiltrate with the sniper rifle???? I mean the wave blocking thingy and the windmill are both there so it must be the same right??? And in goldeneye even though its off-topic is it just me or on the dam level is there a whale in the mountain?
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ZergLubber writes:
Level 1 - In the hidden room in Casandras office...take a grenade(or other explosive) to a wall in the right side of her office, near the windows. the cheese is inbetween 2 window grates, and the ladder leads to the floor just below the droppoint, it needs to be blown open at the top of the ladder Level 2 - Near experiment CPU. Level 3 - same as #1 Level 4 - In the cellar near one of the exits. Ontop of a Wine Case Level 5 - In a toilet in the Punk Pond bar. Last Toilet in the Bathroom Level 6 - Near the Damping Field Generator. at an awkward angle, in an A/C Vent Level 7 - Theres one on this one..I've found it before..its either near The end, or in that huge crack near the tunnel exit Level 8 - in the vent shaft, use something that zooms, and get real close to the point of falling in, but dont. Use the zoom to look straight ahead, and at the end of the shaft, theres a speck of yellow. with the Sniper Rifel, you can clearly see that its cheese. Level 9 - In an empty and useless room shaped like this: [[ ]] Level 10 - when you get the mines, walk around on the cliff, use the binoculars, and zoom in on the water right below. in a far corner, theres plenty of cheese to go around. Level 11 - Take the President to his shuttle, turn around, look at the engine parts, side step to the wall, and look down. ~this is the first cheese I ever found~ Level 12 - Not Sure...Try looking off the cliff. Level 13 - 2nd hallway, right by the door to the irritating room with the lights. In the floor grates, it helps to shoot out the lights in it. Level 14 - Walk into the hallway, and goto the second big pane of glass, on the left, look out onto the see floor. theres a yellow speck, i can only assume its the cheese. Level 15 - Go out the door that the Skedar (Which is ALMOST a copyright enfringment on the Starcraft Zergling, same shape, same look, same sounds, same close range weapons. but its different, cause its got a tail of a brain thing hanging out.) and goto the double doors at the top of the ramp, and turn around, look up and say CHEESE! Level 16 - Behind a Skedar to the right of the Callisto, well, generally. Level 17 - Next to the Shield (only there in A/SA) at the end of dead end tunnel (head the WRONG way at the start). Theres more accuracy in the cheeses. Since I'm writing this, I'll add hat the Cheese was originally supposed to be colectable, and if was supposed to be that if you colected all 17 the you would get a super gun...unfortunitaly, they ran outa space. RARE, if you read this, Your games kick azz, but you need to freaking make your own system so you can fit in all this extra stuff!!
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"And on the villa level, if you shoot every whine bottle in the cellar, Carrington will say something very rude." No he doesn't, he just says something like "show your age" or "grow up" (I don't remember exactly it's been awhile since I played the game). About the Cheese, there's a Cheese in EVERY single level (Some of them you can only see with the Farsight gun or with Game Shark)
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Krist_Rea writes:
I think that the goldeneye codes were released a few months before pefect dark. This was a marketing ploy to make people play Golden eye again and remember how good it was, thus encouraging them to buy the sequel. It worked on me!!!
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Mikey P writes:
Just to let you all know about the button codes for Perfect Dark... There aren't any. Yep, you heard me, "There are no button codes for Perfect Dark". Rare decided that this would take all the fun out of the game, so they spent their last remaining development time removing all the button codes so the players couldn't just punch in codes to beat the game. That would take any requirement for skill right out the game, after all. Oh, and the face-mapping was dropped because it might give United States players bad ideas. It turns out you Yanks get a little involved in your games. It seems you lot have a tendency to forget that life is not a game and borrow dad's pistol to shoot the teacher, thinking he (or she) will respawn in a few seconds time. It's funny, but thanks to UK gun laws, things like that don't happen here - but the Yanks won't change that little line in the constitution that gives you the right to bear arms - even though it's 200 years out of date...
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RPDOfficer writes:
Actually the Cheese does nothing. Nada. Zip. Zlitch. You're also forgetting to mention the Cheese Wedge in the Training level :) When the Chese is mentioned in every level, they literally mean EVERY level.
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