Galaxy Rangers (1986-1987) Easter Egg - Producers in Space

In the episode "Rogue Arm," Gooseman is taking command of the ship and splits up search teams to find a renegade droid. Two of the crewmen are named "Locke" and "Rowley" - named for Owen Locke and Chris Rowley, the series story editors.

An interesting note - Locke and Rowley are later shot out an airlock by the droid.

User Rating:
  8.4/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: Allronix on 06-06-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A good ear and reading the credits
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Raven1313 writes:
I'm sorry, but I don't remember this show AT ALL. Could someone give some details?
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Allronix writes:
It was a cartoon series that ran from 1986-1987. It looked like Maganificent 7 and Star Wars were thrown in a blender together. for more information:
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Apollyon writes:
Gooseman represents Clint Eastwoods - Dirty Harry
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