Sgt. Pepper´s Lonely Hearts Club Band Easter Egg - Is Paul Really Dead?

1) Open the CD box and extract the CD cover from it.
2) In the cover there is a big round figure which reads "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band"
3) Put the mirror so that it is looking upwards and in the middle of the circle.
4) If you put the mirror correctly, you will read HE DIE (note that there is an arrow between this two words that points Paul)
5) If you dont have a mirror, you can use the reflezing side of the CD

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Contributed By: Esteban on 08-10-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the CD and a mirror
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The picture, if put to a mirror, spell out what's just here on SGT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND. I'm uploading this because the current picture is in a low resolution. It can be read
The picture, if put to a mirror, spell out what's just here on SGT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND. I'm uploading this because the current picture is in a low resolution. It can be read "1, ONE, I X HE DIE", meaning three Beatles and X, and the explanation that "X" died. It can also be read "11 IX - HE DIE", giving a date of November 9, 1966. Read

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Shane writes:
Also when you do this mirror trick, look to the left of the "He Die" - it says "IONEIX" - meaning "one one one x" which is supposed to refer to the fact that there were three Beatles left (the three "ones") and the dead McCartney (the "x")
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Does this also works with the LP-cover?
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Qwerty writes:
actually the 111x would probably be better represented as 11 IX refering to an alledged car accident he was supposed to have on the 9th day of november. but who knows.
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smegpants writes:
They shoud have pointed to John Lennon.
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hockeydon writes:
Don't forget the O.P.D. on Pauls shoulder. Oficially Pronounced Dead, It is actually an Ontario Provincial Police badge.
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lewarcher writes:
Hockeydon, The O.P.P. badge is supposed to (according to the 'Paul is Dead' story, anyway) refer to the fact that Billy Shears (Paul's replacement) is from Ontario, Canada. So the story goes is that when Paul was killed, the other three Beatles had to find a look-alike replacement for him. So they held Beatles impersonation contests. The winner of this contest, of course, was Billy Shears. Thanks for the album cover tips on how to 'prove' Paul is dead, guys. I hadn't heard the mirror ideas before.
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Nathan writes:
i was told OPD stood for Ontario Police Department. When the beatles did a tour of Canada one of the police who were helping with security was called Seargent Pepper.
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Rtrock writes:
This, like every other myth and urban legend, is debunked at This one just happens to be at Click on the link about Paul and the Beatles link.
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gripweed writes:
OK, first to the smegpants person, John Lennon didn't die until 1980. Now, to the rest of you...Paul is not dead! I repeat PAUL IS NOT DEAD. OK, now say it with me: Paul is NOT dead. I rest my case
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Mithrandir writes:
The yellow flowers on the album cover (supposedly a guitar), also seem to spell out PAUL?
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Anybody who buys into the Paul is Dead rumor needs to pay some more attention to the transition between Sgt. Pepper and With a Little Help from My Friends (the only mention of the name Billy Shears). After the little intro "...Let me introduce to you, the one and only Billy Shears..." we hear the beginning of "With a little help", a song that is sung by RINGO, not Paul. So, logically, we may deduce that RINGO is Billy Shears. Whatever that may mean...
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To Gripweed, 4-30-01, PAUL IS NOT DEAD??? Have you SEEN him lately? He is definitely getting pretty ripe.
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cheshire writes:
There are other things to suggest Paul's death. I've heard that all of the Beatles were all about the same height, but on the sgt. Peppers cover Paul is about a foot taller than the rest (symbolizing his ascent). If I remember correectly, all of the others behind the beatles are also dead and hidden in the flowers is a car symbolizing the car crash.
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Also, on the Abbey Rd cover (where they're crossing the road) the License plate on the VW Bug on the left says 28IF. Paul would have been 28 in that year if he had lived apparently.
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mrwhite writes:
there is also a car on the bloody lap of the doll, and on the back paul's sixth finger is supposedly pointing to his time of death.
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Doctor Lev writes:
BEATLES' "Paul-Is-Dead" mystery solved! DOCTOR LEV has solved this great mystery within his new fictional novel "Billy Shears: The Secret History of the Beatles" (ISBN#: 0-8059-5468-6). Doctor Lev will be a guest speaker at BEATLEFAIR in SD July 21st; and at BEATLEFEST in Chicago August 16th-19th! Further, Doctor Lev will be joining Pete Best and his brothers for the opening of the New Casbah Coffee Club and the release of their new book 'Mrs. Best's Casbah Coffee Club' in Liverpool on August 24th! More information can be obtained at
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XPhiler writes:
I had a teacher once who was totally obsessed with the Beatles. He showed us the trick with the mirror along with several other little hidden things. He also played us some of the songs that might hint to Paul's death. Then he showed us a couple of pictures of Paul before the Sgt. Pepper's album and a couple of pictures after, in the pictures after, he had different colored eyes! From the right angles, you can totally tell its not the same person!
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bandit writes:
For anyone interested: Billy Shears was the first person to be legally documented as death by overdose. If you want to get more into the "Paul is dead" saga; the abbey road album has the 28IF license plate, Paul is not wearing shoes because they never bury people with shoes on. George is dressed as a grave digger, Ringo as a pall bearer and John as a preacher. Paul's cigarette is in the wrong hand (English death icon, supposedly). Also, The walrus is another death symbol and, although John sang the song, Paul is dressed as the Walrus on the Magical Mystery Tour album. Not to mention John's comment in "Glass Onion" on the white album. Finally, find someone with the LP and listen to Revolution #9 off the white album backwards. For the record, I don't know if Paul is dead or replaced or fine but it was a great publicity gainer.
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octodweeb writes:
I'm a huge Beatles fan, but PAUL IS NOT DEAD!!!!!!!! Paul had supposedly spotted a pretty meter maid on his way home from the studio and didn't pay attention to the lights. He didn't see them changed and was supposedly hit by a car on Wednesday morning, November 9, 1966 at 5 o'clock. These are some of the clues just found in Sgt. Pepper album. They could all be real, or this could be just some strange elaborate hoax. On the front, there's a hand over Paul's head to symbolize death. They're standing in front of an open grave. Paul is holding the instrument cor anglais and it's black to symbolze death. He's holding up what looks to be three fingers on his left hand, to symbolize that only three beatles are left. It's the first album to say, "Beatles" instead of, "The Beatles" to symbolize that they are no longer a whole. The other three Beatles are standing facing sideways behind the drum, Paul is facing forward. On the back he's facing the back, to mean he is dead. The song lyrics, "Within you Without you" are printed all over Paul's body. Georges right hand pointer finger is pointing at 5 o'clock, the supposed time of Paul's death. In the song, "Lovely Rita" the lyrics go, "When I caught a glimpse of Rita" and "I took her home, I nearly made it" Rita symbolizes the meter maid. In the song, "Good Morning, Good Morning" the lyrics, "Nothing to do to save his life." "People running around, it's five o'clock" She's Leaving Home: the lyrics "Wednesday morning at five o'clock" Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: The reference to Billy Shears. These are some of the things I found. Sure, they suggest that Paul is really dead, but if Paul was dead, someone would have spilled the beans already.
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Vinnie writes:
In the yellow submarine film before they sing with a little help from my friends paul says billy shares
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WrAiTh writes:
Here Go to this website to find out everything on the Paul is Dead conspiracy. Hass things about this album and most of the Beatles' albums about the Paul is Dead thing.
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WrAiTh writes:
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