Zucker Brothers Easter Egg - Mom Gets Around

In almost any Zucker film, you'll see a certain woman. She has small parts, but she's usually there. It's their mother. For example, in the movie "Airplane", the woman having trouble putting on her makeup is her. In the 2nd "Naked Gun" movie, she is sitting at a patio table, talking with a couple of women. She says, "He gets around very well in the wheelchair", reffering to the scientist, who happens to fly by in front of the moon, with a nod to "E.T."

User Rating:
  5.2/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-03-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Almost any Zucker brothers film, good eyes
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wesfan1 writes:
It's not thier mom its a lady from thier production company.
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Bishop writes:
It IS their mom - she was interviewed by Michael Feldman on his radio show and admitted to her cameo in Airplane. She was also in the bank scene in Ghost - she was the receptionist.
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skotty writes:
She plays one of the Lucy's in Rat Race. On the DVD Jerry Zucker and Andy Breckman (the writer) call many of the cast members, and she is one they call. They do talk about her being in most of her sons movies.
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