Heavenly Creatures Easter Egg - Peter Jackson Cameo

In the scene after the girls go to see "The Third Man" at the theater, they run out and bump into a bum on the street. That bum is the film's director, Peter Jackson.

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  7.7/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: Edsel on 06-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The film
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Ask any Kiwi and they will tell you that Peter Jackson appears in every movie he makes. A bit of an "Alfred Hitchcock" thing. Very cool. Have a look in The Frighteners. As Michael J Fox comes out of the newspaper building he bumps into a man dressed a bit rough. That's Peter. Then he runs into the street and into a car.
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Peter Jackson stars in his other movie, Bad Taste. He plays the alien that gets the spike hammered into his foot, and he also plays Derek, the guy who has the problem of his brains falling out.
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Souffle writes:
Actually, the scene with Peter Jackson is after they go to see the movie with Mario Lanza. When they left Juilette kissed the bum which is Peter Jackson. Paula also kissed the movie poster. After they left "The Third Man" they kept seeing Orsen Wells and were running and screaming.
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antimony writes:
he always does cameos hmmm, he always does a bum cameo, come to think of it (burping guy in bree, LOTR 1)
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