American Pie Easter Egg - East Great Falls = East Grand Rapids

The high school that the guys attend is called "East Great Falls", and is located in West Michigan. It is the equivalent of an actual high school called East Grand Rapids, which the writer of the script graduated from.

Similarities include...

School colors: EGF is blue and white, EGR is blue/white/gold

Nickname: EGF is the Trailblazers, EGR is the Pioneers

Rival School: In American Pie, it is referred to as "Central". East Grand Rapid's primary rival is another "Central"- Forest Hills Central, which has the exact same colors as depicted in the lacrosse scene towards the end of the movie

Hangout: In EGF, the guys hang out at a joint called "Dog Years". In East Grand Rapids, the popular place to go is a hot dog joint called "Yesterdog".

This egg happens throughout most of the film. First off, the director of "American Pie" grew up in an affluent suburb in Michigan called East Grand Rapids. This town and school hold much inspiration for the school of East Great Falls. For one, most of the students are going to U of M or MSU and Stifler has a cottage on Lake Michigan. Also, both EGR and EGF colors are blue and white. EGF's mascot is the Trailblazers, while EGR's is the Pioneers. EGF's main rival appears to be Central, but take it from me, Grand Rapids Central wins at nothing. I think this is actually about GR Catholic Central, a school which does hold a bitter rivalry with EGR. Furthermore, these are the only two schools that I know of with lacrosse teams.

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  3.2/10 with 606 votes
Contributed By: monkey on 05-28-2000
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glibdud writes:
My guess is that Central is more likely a reference to Forest Hills Central, another area suburban school. True, EGR and Catholic Central are rivals, but CC didn't have a lacrosse team when the author attended high school (unless he's younger than I give him credit for). Also, the restaurant the kids hang out at ("Dog Years") is probably a reference to "Yesterdog", a similarly-styled hot dog restaurant in Eastown, a business district about a mile from EGR High.
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eieio writes:
Guessing which school it is by lacrosse may or may not hold water. I've heard an interview in which Adam Herz said he made Oz a lacrosse player because he couldn't have been a football player if the movie was to take place around prom and graduation. It's a little odd, though, that a Grand Rapidian such as Stifler would have a prescription with a 517 area code. Grand Rapids is on the west side of Michigan's lower peninsula, has the 616 area code; 517 is central.
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Serra writes:
The school in American Pie is definitely modeled after EGR. I was curious from the start because of the many similarities to the EGR Middle School and EGR High School as I attended both. I still had my old year books and I looked up writer (forgot his name at the moment) and sure enough...there he was. He was in 6th grade when I was in 8th at EGR Middle School.
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Ska man writes:
The area code on the prescription was chosen to deliberately make the exact location uncertain... I know because I made it
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Hexkat writes:
All of you need to watch the DVD. It plays the whole movie and just has the directors/writers and a few of the actors commentating during it. That is really cool.
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Steve writes:
Forest Hills Central has a Lacrosse team, and it's very possible they could be talking about them. By the way, don't try to look for Forest Hills on the map, there is no such town. Forest Hills school district serves most of Ada, Cascade, and Grand Rapids townships. On another note, East Grand Rapids was everyone's rival, especially in the OK-White conference, which FHC and EGR are both members of.
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silvrstar writes:
steve is right. i live in EGR, MI and our rival IS forest hills, not catholic central. sorry guys.
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guy16 writes:
When this movie came out, I lived in the 517 area code, and happen to know that it covers a LARGE part of Michigan... SO large, that the eastern half was just changed to 989. If they were using the area code to not pick out one location, 517 would be a great one to use because it covers A LOT of the lower peninsula. Also, I find it ironic that this does take place in or near Grand Rapids... because I was just there, and when I saw a preview for AP2, that thought kind of crossed my mind.
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There is no town in Michigan named Great Falls, and yes, the movie was based on events that took place while Adam Herz was a student at East Grand Rapids. "East Great Falls" was just a made-up name, just as many names (and numbers) were changed to make the movie. Also, the colors for East Grand Rapids are blue and gold, not blue and white (so they changed the colors, too). And yes, the rival is definitely Forest Hills Central, not Catholic Central.
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Diskrider writes:
I have been around the area, and the "Band Camp", Where the girl... you know. Anyways, the blue shirts and the whole setting point directly towards Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. The camp director denies any knowledge of the camp being legally used, but that really doesn't mean anything; I've been there for four years running and every camper knows it.
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lettuce writes:
Actually, Dog Years and Yesterdog aren't styled at all alike. No one can recreate Yesterdog, in the movies or in real life. Also, no one (outside of the people that eat at Yesterdog) would understand exactly what was going on, or why Yesterdog is so cool, if they made Dog Years a replica or even close to Yesterdog.
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sherman writes:
Some people say that i look like The Shermanator out of American pie, If you watch the film closely you will notice that Stifler is going to Ithaca college, but if you watch ROAD TRIP you will see that it is set at Ithaca college but the actor who plays stifler now plays E,L
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Cruise writes:
I live in the Grand Haven area. There is a helicopter shot when the guys are heading to the lake house. I live about a half a mile away from that shot. They were suppose to shoot the movie here in the Grand Haven area. I was hoping to be apart of the movie when they came. Well, that didn't happen. Hopefully I will be able to be apart of the third "American Pie" movie that will be coming out in about a year and a half.
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djsmurf writes:
Yes, there is no real way to replicate Yesterdog on the screen without changing the tone of the film. Shots filmed in the actual Yesterdog would have to be close, tight, dark, and dirty looking. Yesterdog is an experience, and it would have taken too much screen time to capture just what it looks like, or what is going on in there. The place is old ... real old, with old stuff all over the walls. It looks kind of dirty, but that's just because it looks like an old antique store that has been around forever and is too cramped for its own good. You walk in, and there is a narrow space between the serving counter and the wall. There will likely be four or five people behind the counter working, and fixing dogs, with 10-15 people waiting in line. An employee will go down the line and take people's dog orders, and newcomers frequently bluster about when their order isn't taken first, even if they are next in line. This is a sure sign of someone who's never been there before, and sometimes the employees are nice about explaining it, but usually their a bit short with everyone: it's part of the charm. They write down orders for about five people, then add them up in their head and shout the order to the person making the dogs, "Six Yester, Five Kraut, Four Everything!" The guy making the dogs lines buns up on this giant board, then pulls the franks out of the warmer, fixes them all in under a minute without dropping any. The board is set on the counter and a couple of employees start wrapping them with frantic speed. While this is going on another person is taking and filling drink orders. Once this flurry of chaos is complete, two or three of the employees start asking people what they ordered, then count out loud while they add up the bill in their head. They then ring up the sale on an ancient register the size of a dorm fridge. They somehow manage to serve five people simultaneously in under five minutes. They then wipe off the counter and start over with the next batch of customers. There is also a big metal funnel, attached to a tube, against the wall behind the counter and about eight feet up. The tube runs to a jar, and the funnel is there to catch loose change. There is a big handmade sign above the funnel that says "TIPS" with an arrow pointing to the funnel. There is really no way to appreciate this ballet of chaos without being there. Someone could probably make a short film on the ordering experience alone.
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