Rope (color- 1948) Easter Egg - Neon!

I understand that this cameo is considered non-existant. I see sights on net that just steal notes from each other. I watch the films for myself to make certain. --rooster

Get Hitch's first color movie-- "Rope". It was done in one long interior shot or as reasonably one long shot as he could make. Breaks in film were made over dark spots in movie. An example would be the back of the waiter's jacket as he passes by at the party. A tight technical masterpiece based on the true scandal of the Leopold-Loeb murder case from the nineteen-twenties.
>>>> Was there a cameo that might distract from the film? NO. But Hitch had a famous self drawn caricature of himself that you may have seen on his television series that he made in early days of t.v. It can be seen at the beginning of each show....
>>>> Pay attention to when Janet and Kenneth leave the party. They stand to face each other and talk. Over Janet's right shoulder at the bottom of the window is a blinking red neon outline cartoon of Hitch's profile-- the caricature.

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  8.8/10 with 19 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 05-16-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch the video very, very closely
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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saeccher writes:
In order to make the film seem like one long shot, Hitch had to perform a convenient switch about once every 10 minutes. One roll of film will last roughly 10 minutes before it must be switched.
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smapdi writes:
Hitch is in Rope! In the beginning, you have to look closely, he's one of the people walking down the sidewalk.
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Dave writes:
I watched very closely for this cameo at the very beginning. Over and over, refocusing on each extra every time, I don't believe it exists. The film was featured on AMC or something like that, and the host discussed it as he was introducing the movie. He couldn't find it either.
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Pat writes:
I am sorry "Rooster" but you are wrong about Hitchcock not being in the film. He is in the film! If you look in the background during the middle of the movie, you will see people heading in an out of the kitchen. One of them (if you know Hitchcock) is Hitchcock himself.(There's no one in the cast who could be mistaken for him, so it has to be him)
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hawaiianheat writes:
For the record--Hitch made this movie in eight shots of ten minutes each. I've seen the neon cameo, and I also know he's one of the people on the street at the beginning. The kitchen cameo is news to me, though. Anything's possible, I suppose...
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Trivia_Queen writes:
Actually he is at the beginning of the movie, and his symbol is in the background.
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