Space Harrier Easter Egg - Secret Story

Turn the game on.
Let the title screen (where the guy's waving) run through.
Don't touch anything.

A demo of a level will be shown, and the title screen will come back. Then another level, and so on. If you let it run long enough, the story of behind the game will be displayed. Miniature characters from the game will also march across the screen.

User Rating:
  8.1/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: debiasio on 05-15-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Space Harrier (for SMS)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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LOF666 writes:
That's not actually an egg as such. That's what's known as part of the 'attract mode' Sega Master system cartriges have these in to make the games cuter and more kid-friendly (even tho' older 'kids' play 'em too I'm 24 and STILL play space Harrier)
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