Galaga (Coin Op) Easter Egg - Enemy Stops Shooting

1. Start playing Galaga,the Coin operated arcade game
2. Survive level 1
3. On level 2 DO NOT KILL the 2 far left bees, they are stacked on the far left
4. kill all other critters
5. dodge the 2 bees until they dive 5 times without shooting...(this may take a few minutes)
6. for the rest of the game, they enemy will not shoot

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  7.2/10 with 198 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-10-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Beachie writes:
This Easter Egg is the BEST. My previous high score at Galaga was about 339,000; the first time I did this, I got to level 47 with 409,000 points before my firing hand got tired and I committed suicide. Here are some hints and tips: 1. Make sure you have a double ship going into round 2. This makes it easier to kill all non-essential ships quickly. 2. In round 2: the 2 leftmost bees are in the LAST (fifth?) wave of ships. Try to kill ALL of the ships in the previous waves--ESPECIALLY the next-to-last wave of bees, because... 3. It gets VERY confusing if there are more than the 2 bees on the screen when they start dive-bombing. Remember, too, that both of the leftmost bees usually are in the lead of dive-bombing raids. Try to kill all other bees BEFORE they start dive-bombing in earnest. 4. After you've killed all but the 2 bees, you'll have to dodge them MANY times. If I counted right (and it's quite possible I didn't), they make SIXTY-EIGHT bombing runs. It's possible that they may need to make less; I developed a theory that your position may affect when they stop bombing. What worked best for me was sitting at the left edge of the screen, moving rightward a little when they released bombs, then moving all the way right to avoid getting hit by them when they curved down to the bottom of the screen; then, after the second had gone to the bottom of the screen and started his curve back up for the second loop of the run, I moved leftward to the left side (going under both bees) to get in position for the next run. This may not affect anything, but it gives you something to do to keep from being bored. 5. Afterwards, runs 69 through 74 are the five non-bombing runs. I let them do two extra just so I could be safe (I didn't want to have to do this again, as it probably took over six minutes of dodging). Then I killed both. And sure enough, no ships fired on me for the rest of the game! You only have to avoid getting rammed--mainly during the entry waves on each level. Thanks for a GREAT Easter egg! Where can you find out about this? Is it documented?
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MikeF writes:
This is a great easter egg, however, there is an easier (somewhat) way to do this. And actually, I would guess that there's many more. Here's how I do it: 1. Start a new game 2. Kill ALL of the enemy except the lower-left bee. 3. While dodging the bee (I like to wait on the right side of the screen), wait for aeons 4. Wait some more 5. I think you have to fire every now and then (I do just to be safe) 6. Wait some more. 7. When the bee completes 3 bombing runs without dropping any bombs, you can kill him and go to level 2, and the enemy won't drop anymore bombs for the rest of the game. I found that the average time that one has to wait is about 14 minutes. I would guess that this will work on every level. I don't know if the program waits for a random amount of time before laying the egg, or if it a series of events that triggers it, or both. Since I just got a Galaga emulator (which, since it has a copy of the Galaga ROMs, also has the egg), I will probably try to narrow down the character of the egg a little better.
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I've tried this one with Galaga on Namco Museum vol.1 for the Playstation and found that it works there too.
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I don't own this game so I can't know for sure, but from what I can tell, it seems like it's a bug in the program and not something intentional at all.
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Waffle writes:
I read off of (Killer List of Video Games) that durring the demo mode, you can move the ship with the controller and get free play for the rest of the demo, can anyone confirm this?
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Marty writes:
Cheat simplified! On level 1, 2 or 4, shoot all BUT one bee on the far left (it comes out in the last string of bees to appear onscreen.) WAIT for this bee to make two complete sweeps at you without shooting anything. When it appears again, you may shoot it. This cycle takes approx 12-17 minutes, but well worth the wait. You do not have to shoot during the wait, but be aware that the bee will try to shoot you from the right and/or slam into you. This cheat, with time, will get you to level 255.
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mj writes:
This is not a glitch. I have heard that a programmer put this egg in so he could go to any Galaga machine and easily get the high score. Nice egg!
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Skyhockey4 writes:
Just confirming that this Egg works on the GameTap version. Both the 2 bee and the 1 bee version (although the 2 bee version is faster) Have fun
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