Brown, Marc Easter Egg - Kids Names

In almost any Marc Brown book, the author of the Authur books, you can find the names of his kids hidden on walls, etc. Their names are Tolon and Tucker.

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  6.3/10 with 121 votes
Contributed By: Charles Dimsdale on 08-03-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any Marc Brown Book
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Kellynnw writes:
Marc Brown's daughter's name (Eliza) appears in all books after 1986 along with big brothers Tucker and Tolon.
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Doughnut writes:
yeah, pretty cool. But in some of his earlier books, he mentions that little secret on the back cover. See if you can find it!
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Tony writes:
Yep, I read his books when I was a kid, and in the back cover it did mention that he puts his kids names in every book
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I did run across a book that did mention this on the back cover. However, I found it out through an Arthur special on Reading Rainbow a couple of years ago. I know, I know, an adult wathcing Reading Rainbow - its true.
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Texan Yankee writes:
One clarification. According to what I read, one of his Arthur books (his first?) does *not* have his children's names in it.
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Jackie writes:
This egg is also notable in the "Arthur" TV show. In the episode where Muffy finds out that she is allergic to carpet, there is a truck outside her house. The name on thr truck reads "Tolon"
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Boneho Chane writes:
I remember in 3rd grade my teacher put on a video that was all about Author. I don't remember anything except: Marc Brown came on and said something a long the lines of "I have a secret I hide in my books." He then explained the hiding of his children's names. The last thing he said was, "Now that I told you though, it's no longer a secret!" I remember asking the teacher if I could borrow the tape just so I could show others this useless fact.
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