Lion King, The (Disney) Easter Egg - Naughty Leaves

1) Find the scene shortly before Simba goes back to the Pride Lands, when he flops down on the ground, making the wind that carries his scent to Rafiki.
2) Pause while the wind stirs up, or better yet, pause before and go frame-by-frame through it if you can.
3) At one point, the leaves spell out the word SEX.

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 347 votes
Contributed By: Scott Madden on 08-01-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The movie and a VCR with Pause
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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oswald writes:
I've checked out all the eggs listed for "Lion King" and this one is by far the best, and easiest to spot. You actually don't even need to pause, or go frame by frame; the leaves clearly spell "sex" and you can see it at regular speed.
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Sesana writes:
Actually, according to the animators, the leaves spell FX, which is actually much easier to see. The formation that is said to be an S is never clearly formed.
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WeeZLe writes:
I beg to differ Sesana...It clearly spells depends on where you pause it really. But the S is more than clearly formed. And as for the snopes cover-up picture on their site, well, they put the image that FOLLOWED the actual deed. not to mention they warped it just a tid watch that whole thing--from where simba walks to the cliff to where the leaves fly across the pridelands--all in slow-mo. You'll definately see it then.
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Boo writes:
I've heard a lot of this, but I don't think it truly spells SEX. Mr. Walt Disney would turn in his grave if he heard of such a thing. d: )
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Mentor writes:
Exactly. almost every one of these so called "naughty" bits are just old housewive's overactive imaginations and attempts to find something wrong in their child's viewing expierences. I have only heard of one true occurence. It was in the Rescuers, the poster of a topless woman was realy there. every other one was either an accident or just a serious misunderstanding. And Snopes would never alter photos to prove their point.
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Well we all know that since their new CEO (michael isner), that Disney has not had their head on straight . . . Walt Disney would be very ashamed if he saw what mr isner has done to his company . . . I read an EXCELLENT book on the subject "Disney: The Mouse Betrayed" by Peter and Rochelle Schweizer . . . very shocking . . .
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Animal 56 writes:
I'm sure Mr. Disney would also be happy with the income and the power that Disney has. Whatever the reason that these eggs happen, it's all in the name of fun, and if you are letting your children be educated by tv/film, then who's the real culprit? Disney or mommmy & daddy?
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Tinkerbell writes:
I completely agree with you Animal 56!!!
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Cheeser writes:
Actually it spells SFX which is the company that did the computer animation parts and other special effects of the movie. I was hoping it actually did spell sex but it doesn't :(
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Disgruntled writes:
Lies, lies, lies. The so called S looks more like an X, the so called E looks more like a F. I have watched this scene over and over, frame-by-frame, backwards, forwards, and at no time does the leaves spell SEX. Not only that, but the leaves are so blurred that if you wanted it to spell anything you wanted you could force your mind to see it. Whatever you may think you see, it's unintentional Folks, ignore this stuff, it's all propoganda from hysterical religious kooks who see evil in everything from Barney to Pikachu. Not to mention the fact that the people on here who believe this stuff are mostly anti-Disney fanatics. Don't believe this nonsense. I swear some people would see the words sex in a bowl of ceral if it was a Disney product.
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Evilmeteors writes:
What gets me chuckling is how offended and righteous these people work themselves up to be over all these alleged inclusions of the word "sex" in various Disney movies. "Walt would roll over in his grave..." JEEZ, people, it's a WORD; if you were an evil animator out to corrupt all the world's children by putting morally degraded subliminal messages in your excruciatingly popular movies, do ya really think the height of your sinister machinations would be slipping the same 3-letter word into 15 different clouds of dust? Show me a sneaky, subliminal, 5- or 6-frame long animation of people explicitly HAVING sex, buried in the smoke or blowing leaves or whatever, and then I might say you've got something to be indignant about. And yes, I've seen the weenie on the Little Mermaid cover. And the nude poster in the Rescuers. (Laughed my butt off at both.) Those are real. I'm not saying pranks don't happen. On the contrary, they prove my point; if someone wants to put something inappropriate into a kids' movie as a joke, it's gonna be unquestionable. Don't waste your ire on puffs of smoke.
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Webmaster writes:
These Disney SEX "eggs" have been argued to death. There is already a discussion called Dirty Disney in the Legal, Moral and Ethical Issues section of the Discussion board where you can talk about the Disney allegations. If you would like to discuss this topic further, please do so on the discussion board at Please do NOT submit any more comments here, as they will not be posted.
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