Lion King, The (Disney) Easter Egg - Sex in the Sky

In the movie when the adult Simba collapses on the cliff and brushes something over the edge, it swirls up into the sky and spells out sex. A good slow motion VCR or DVD helps on this one

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  6.2/10 with 643 votes
Contributed By: RobEubank on 08-01-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: NONE
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

A picture of the swirling dust cloud spelling out
A picture of the swirling dust cloud spelling out "SEX" or "SFX"

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Dr.Grimm writes:
It does not say SEX, it says SFX, which was put in to give credit to the sound effects crew. It is easy to mistake it for the word SEX, but if you look closely you will see that there is no third line on the F to make it an E.
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I just found pictures on on this topic, and there is no way in hell that it says SFX. That is quite obviously an E not an F!
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Michelle writes:
It definitely says "SEX." Take a really close look at it. There is no mistaking it.
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Bacca-Ikkin writes:
Um, how much sex can really be in a Disney movie? Sex in the sky, sex in the leaves, sex in the dust...really now. If someone didn't know better, they'd think we were discussing pornos, not animated children's films
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Trp writes:
You can plainly see that the bottom of the F turns downwards, like the S and the X, What looks like should be the bottom line of an E is just the spout of stars that both the S and the X have.
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Disgruntled writes:
I freeze framed this and at no point does am E appear. The dust is so blurry that it could look like anything. Plus, Snops did not say that the words SFX were spelled, only that some people claimed that. Personally, I think it is just random clouds of dust that happens to look like letters, purley unintended. The dust cloud is so blurry and the "letters' so mishappen that it could look like anything to anyone. Oh, well, some people just will believe what they want to believe.
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Anna writes:
It vaguely spells SFX. It's not random enough that it isn't obvious that they are trying to spell something. It's obviously letters, but there has been question on what the middle letter is. The whole message is somewhat straight; it is doubtful that that little mark hanging off is intended to make an "E". I'd just have to settle for "F". That's why I think it's more likely that it's SFX. That's just my opinion.
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Webmaster writes:
These Disney SEX "eggs" have been argued to death. There is already a discussion called Dirty Disney in the Legal, Moral and Ethical Issues section of the Discussion board where you can talk about the Disney allegations. If you would like to discuss this topic further, please do so on the discussion board at Please do NOT submit any more comments here, as they will not be posted.
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