Triple Play '99 Easter Egg - Secret Stadiums

This code will only work with User Records mode off.
In the stadium select screen do the following:

1. Scroll the stadiums all the way to the right, so Houston is in the top left corner.
2. In a line diagonally down and to the right, click on the top-left stadium (Houston), middle stadium, bottom-right stadium.
3. In a line diagonally up and to the right, click on the bottom-left stadium, middle stadium, and top right stadium.

You will hear, "Triple Play". Then scroll again to the right and you will see three new stadiums.

1. A Greek-roman stadium
2. A Futuristic Vancouver Stadium
3. and A generic urban stadium.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 88 votes
Contributed By: Cocoaguy on 04-20-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The game, Triple play '99
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cocoaguy writes:
At the Vancuver Stadium you hit monsterous homers. I've hit some over 1000 feet!
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