DX-Ball Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

1. Wtart a new game of DX BALL
2. Anytime during the game, hold ctrl + alt + shift, and press:
F2 for the grab ball option
F3 for lasers
F4 for a longer paddle
F5 to change the background music.
To return the settings (don't know y you'd want to) press F1.
That's it for now, ENJOY!!!

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 72 votes
Contributed By: Freddy Fox on 04-18-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: keyboard, game and fingers
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Phlip writes:
You only need to hold ctrl for the cheats to work. You don't even need ctrl for music on/off (F5/F6). Also, there is a level editor, by pressing Ctrl+F1 at the title screen.
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