Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Easter Egg - HAL 9000 Greeting

1. When C3PO is first activated, he says "I am completely operational, and all of my circuits are functioning perfectly."
2. These are the exact words of the HAL 9000 computer in the movie "2001:A Space Oddessy"
3. Check out the wave file on the Windows 3.1 server "halfunc.wav"

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  5.3/10 with 183 votes
Contributed By: Rich Licata/Eckert on 07-25-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Tony Gies writes:
It's been cut out from the panscan VHS! Hmmmm...
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this is fake. he says"I am C3PO"exc..
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skarpathian writes:
not to be an ass but would that be NT 3.51 Server? Oh pay no attention to me; I've way too much caffene~!!
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Spock writes:
OK, it may not be the FIRST time he speaks, but it is definitely the same line. If you would like the WAV file, just email me and I'll be glad to send it.
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Zyther writes:
Have you ever taken the letters of the computer from 2001: A Space Oddesy (HAL) and gone foward a letter for each one for example:- the H would become an I the A would become a B I think that you get the picture....
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Gasgano writes:
His absolute FIRST words are "Where is everybody"
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SouthPaw writes:
zyther: Aurther C. Clark him self said this was just a coincidence!
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Maxxo writes:
Actually, his first words are "Oh, where is everybody?" Sorry for being so technical. ;-)
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Jack of Evil writes:
Zyther, The letters in HAL are not just any old reference to Big Blue. They imply that HAL is "one step ahead" of IBM. In today's computer climate, that may not be saying much, but at the time, that was a mammoth statement. Jack
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PIGSTER writes:
Anikan (the when who added a comment) is right, he says a something like, I am C3PO human relationfdhgekgfdblablabla!
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